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Sore #Back Wall Cervical #Traction Unit from #MaximizedLiving

Wall Cervical Traction Unit for

Sore Back & Neck Problems


Wall Cervical Traction Unit

This is an essential part of any chiropractic home care. It is simple and easy to use. Designed by experts in the field of spinal correction, it drastically reduces the time it takes to restore healthy cervical curvature and takes only minutes to maintain it.

New: Padded door stop. No more damaged doors.

1. Perform cervical warm-up, joint lubrication, and cartilagenourishment exercises (twist, flex and extend head/neck).
2. Adjust the connection so that the curved piece hangs slightly lower than the back of the head.
3. Pull handles down until stopped by curved neck piece with handles at shoulder height. Elbows and knees are against the wall, and feet are shoulder-width apart.
4. Place curved piece behind neck and padded handle under chin or on forehead. Place one hand on each handle end, with palms toward face.
5. Hold handles firmly; relax the knees so some body weight is supported by the traction. Traction is applied and controlled by bending the knees.
6. Begin with 10 and work up to 60 repetitions per session.
7. Add deep diaphragmatic breathing with traction, then exhale completely and forcibly when the traction is released.
8. Ice the neck for 10 minutes if any pain is experienced.
NOTE: Loop rope through strap. Place Door Stop over door and close door.

For maximum results, your Maximized Living Health Care Professional my recommend using this item along with other items in the Home Care Kit.

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Anti-Aging Foods For Women via Maximized Living

Anti-Aging Foods For Women

Assorted berries

Image courtesy of iStockphoto / Thinkstock

Today, people are searching for ways to keep themselves feeling and looking younger. In addition to keeping an active lifestyle, eating well can decrease risk of heart disease–the no. 1 killer of women in America—as well as other health issues.

Eating a fresh whole-food diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will keep women of all ages feeling and looking their best.

Here’s a brief list of foods that have been shown to fight the effects of aging in women:


Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries and gooseberries are all foods that are rich in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, one of the greatest anti-aging assets found in organic foods.1

Berries protect against the deterioration of cognitive and motor functions, reduce oxidative stress, lower inflammation and improve brain cell signaling, according to Dr. Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Ph.D.

They’re also a great source of vitamins and can even ensure proper blood flow. Besides flavonoids, berries also are loaded with other nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium and folate (vitamin B9).

There’s a large amount of fiber in a daily serving of berries, which also offer digestive benefits. Consuming berries on a consistent basis provides the body with minerals and salts that destroy free radicals, which helps protect women against aging. Shukitt-Hale suggests 1 cup of berries per day to prevent memory loss, lower disease risks and curb weight gain.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil provides the clean, healthy fats the body needs to maintain healthy skin and hair throughout life. In general, “good” fats—monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil’s case—are lacking in the diets of most North Americans. Extra virgin olive oil represents your best choice because it is minimally handled and processed, and it tastes delicious.

When cooking with olive oil, never heat the oil so much that it begins to smoke. Use low to medium heat only, and monitor the oil. Once it starts to smoke, olive oil actually turns rancid.


In order to keep skin supple, women are encouraged to eat about 12 ounces per week of wild salmon, as suggested by the American Heart Association.

Salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids, is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, reduces inflammation and slows the progression of chronic disease. Salmon is known to reduce blood pressure, a common health issue for women over 50.2

Dark, Leafy Greens

Kale, spinach, collard greens, romaine lettuce and Swiss chard are dark green vegetables that are full of vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The vitamin B in greens guards the heart and memory. Vitamin A supports skin cell turnover, and the lutein found in many forms of green vegetables protects vision.

According to Martha Clare Morris ScD, director of the Center of Nutrition & Aging at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, those who eat three to four servings of greens a day will experience less of a decline in memory, recall and other mental functions. Morris and her team have tested 37,000 people.

The antioxidants in greens prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene–commonly found in green vegetables–help block UV rays that cause skin to age rapidly. The nutrients in greens help fight against cardiovascular disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and may even prevent certain types of cancer.


Garlic is equally as delicious as it is good for you. Garlic is part of a class of vegetables known alliums, which help support your liver’s natural ability to neutralize and remove toxins and carcinogens. To prevent cell degeneration, garlic keeps blood thin and also prevents heart disease.3

Like many of the other foods on the list, garlic is rich in antioxidants. It can help limit the growth of abnormal cells and increases blood flow that goes to the brain for awareness.

According to Dr. Ian Smith M.D., garlic also helps fight acne, prevent dandruff and kill bacteria.

What You Can Do

Eating healthy is not about depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about fulfilling your body’s needs for vital nutrients. With the right dietary information, you can keep your body looking and feeling fantastic for life.

To get the nutrition news your body needs, contact your nearest Maximized Living doctor, or subscribe to our newsletter, which features all the latest health news.


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Jump Rope Workout Exercise to get you in shape

Jump Rope Workout – A 10 minute a day full body workout – click here to check out this video

Celebrity trainer Tanja Djelevic ( shows host Judy Greer a simple full body workout using only a jump rope.

When was the last time you jumped rope – fourth, fifth or maybe sixth grade? Well, jump roping is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories and keep the weight off. How many calories do you burn jumping rope? Try nearly fifteen to twenty calories every minute! That is an efficient way to burn energy and keep pounds from packing on, and, jump roping is fun, affordable and can be done with a work-out buddy.

Dr. Peter Shulman, MD, professor and medical expert from the University of Connecticut Health Center, reports that jumping rope is one of the best ways to improve your heart health. Not only does the exercise burn calories needed to lose weight, but elevates your heart rate to a level that most cardio machines are not capable of doing. Dr. Shulman reports that jump roping strengthens the core, upper body and legs while burning a lot of calories in a compact amount of time.

Some doctors argue the benefits of jump roping in those who are extremely overweight because of the direct stress put on the knees, ankles, legs and hips. However, physical training experts report that even obese individuals may benefit from the intense work-out if done properly and at a low impact level. Some of the basic requirements for jump roping are as follows:

  • Obtain a beaded rope that holds its shape and is easy to control
  • Shorten or lengthen the rope so that the handles comfortably reach the armpits
  • Wear comfortable athletic shoes that are approximately a half-size larger that normally worn to allow room for the toes and feet during impact
  • Choose comfortable grips that provide good handling and precision when turning
  • Secure an open space for jumping rope that is at least 4×6 with approximately one foot clearance overhead

These helpful tips will keep you from injuring yourself or those around you and get you off to the right start when implementing this exercise into your routine.

For novices who are just getting started, don’t focus too much on how many calories you burn jumping rope, but determine a particular time that you want to achieve. Start out with a low-impact jump for one to two minute intervals. If you are able to increase the duration of time spent jumping, then up the amount by thirty second intervals.

Jumping rope should be fun and invigorating, not painful and discouraging. If you are unable to go more than a few jumps at a time or find yourself getting tangled up in the ropes, don’t get discouraged but keep practicing. With jump roping, practice does make perfect and before you know it you will be jumping rope as light-footed as a heavy-weight prize fighter in training.

If you are in doubt of your physical ability to jump rope, or haven’t done so for thirty or forty years, it is important to check with your family doctor to get the go-ahead. Remember to warm-up and cool down both before and after your work-out to prevent injury and as with any exercise, stretching is one of the most important elements to working out. Stretching will also loosen your muscles and help you determine the impact each jump has on your body.

Jump roping can be very beneficial to your body and heart, while providing fun for the entire family. If you have children, incorporate them into the mix and jump rope together. Your children and your heart will thank you.

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From Healing Cuisine: Reworked: The Green Green Smoothie

Healing Cuisine: Reworked: The Green Green Smoothie.

Green Green Smoothie II
Makes 2 Servings

1 1/4 cups cold filtered water
2 handfuls organic spinach
1 organic cucumber, chopped
3 stalks organic celery, chopped
2 organic Granny Smith apples, cored and chopped
Small handful fresh cilantro
Small handful fresh parsley
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp cayenne powder (optional)
20-30 drops pure stevia liquid (optional)
2 Tbsp flax seed oil (optional)
2 tsp probiotic powder (optional)
2 scoops plain or vanilla protein powder (optional) (I use Natural flavor Vega O.N.E)

Add spinach, cucumber, celery, apple, cilantro and parsley to blender.  Pour water over top.  Starting the blender on Low speed, blend until smooth, gradually moving to High speed (that’s the trick for getting a smooth blend).  Add lime juice, cayenne, stevia, flax oil, probiotic powder, and protein powder.  Combine briefly on Low until all the protein powder is just dissolved.  Serve immediately.

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Flaxseed Health Benefits, Food Sources, Recipes, and Tips for Using It ~ Reblogged from WebMD

The Benefits of Flaxseed

Is flaxseed the new wonder food? Preliminary studies show that flaxseed may help fight everything from heart disease and diabetes to breast cancer.

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Make a Date With Fitness ~ Reblog from Refine Fitness Studio

Refine Fitness Studio

One of my favourite things this time of year is getting back to my regular routine. Up with the kids at 6: 30 a.m., out the door by 7: 45 and at my studio or teaching in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Windsor by 8: 30 a.m.

My clients are just like me. Many wander from their regular routines over the summer and are now getting back on track.

A great way to adopt an exercise routine is to book three or four regular appointments for yourself. Exercise is like many other things: If you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen. Having a regular time to exercise also helps you mentally get into the routine while scheduling other things around the workout.

Most busy adults I know need to take a step further and schedule this appointment with a trainer or group exercise instructor who will keep…

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12 ways to Increase Seritonin

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Quick Set Straight Leg Dead Lift Exercise

Quick Sets Exercises Give You More for Less

Keeping healthy includes exercising 3-7 times a week 5 – 60 minutes a day. Check out the Straight Leg Dead Lift Exercise. Why exercise? It is one of the best natural treatments for Depression, Anxiety, weight loss, Osteoporosis, Mental Health, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Cell Oxygenization to aid in Cancer Treatment and other diseases.

Quick Sets Give You More for Less

Quick Sets are the ultimate way to perform resistance training. These routines can be as simple and as short as you need them to be in order to fit them into your schedule or level of motivation on any given day or week.   This is the ideal way to add more weight training to your MaxT3 program, take advantage of the T3 principles, and leverage science to radically cut the amount of time spent working out. This program can also be performed more or fewer times per week, dependent on how quickly you desire to make changes to your muscles.
Due to the type of adaptation the body must make while performing Quick Sets, you are able to create significant changes in the strength, fitness, and composition (fat percentage vs. muscle) of a body part within three minutes. Elite athletes to busy moms, overworked businessmen and businesswomen, or students on a tight time schedule can still be extremely effective in their lives and get in shape all at the same time.
These routines can be used to increase the intensity of your workouts, shorten your workout times, and very safely speed up your results. They are designed so anyone can perform them and make great changes on any level. Whether you are a retired grandma or an aspiring Olympian, there is a plan for you.

For the purpose of fitness, there are only eight body parts to  consider:  chest,  biceps,  triceps,  shoulders,  abdominals, back/lats,  legs (which  include  quads,  hams,  glutes,  inner/ outer   thighs),  and  calves.  By exercising  with  squats   or lunges,  you  can  actually  hit  your  hamstrings, quads,  the glutes  (butt),  and  inner  and  outer  thighs  (typical  trouble  spots for women) all with one exercise.
Hit each body part once per week, and you’ll only invest about twenty-four minutes  to get in great shape!  You can add additional lifting to MaxT3, be ridiculously fit, and have done it all in like an hour and a half.  The same or even less time then some people spend in the gym for 1 workout!

Types of Resistance Exercise

Upper Body Exercises
 Fly press
 Dumbbell  curl
 Inclined dumbbell  flye press
• Hammer curl
 Dumbbell  fly
• Inclined dumbbell  curl
 Triceps pushdown
• One-arm standing  triceps extension
• One-arm bent triceps extension
• Dumbbell  shoulder  press
 Reverse-grip pulldown
• Lateral  fly
 Front-grip pulldown
Leg Exercises
 One-legged squat
• Straight-leg dead lift
 Dumbbell  hamstring curl
 Calf raise 

Performing Quick Sets

Decline Quick Set1. Pick one exercise and do it for eight to twelve repetitions until failure.
2. Rest for five to six seconds.
3. Lower the weight five to twenty pounds and do the same exercise again for six to eight repetitions until failure.
4. Rest five to six seconds.
5. Lower the weight five to twenty pounds again and do another six to eight repetitions until failure
Pause Quick Set 1.     Pick  one exercise and do it  for eight to twelve repetitions until failure.
2.     Rest five to six seconds.
3.     Using the same weight, do it again until failure.
4.     Rest five to six seconds
5.    Repeat this process until you cannot do the exercise for more than one to two repetitions.

Monster Set

A Monster Set is when,  after  performing an  exercise on  one  body  part,   instead   of  resting,  you  immediately perform an exercise on another  body part.  The other  body part  should be one that  was not  used while exercising  the first body part. For example,  combine  chest and biceps, or quadriceps and hamstrings.
Monster Sets are combined  with Decline or Pause Sets so you can get a tremendously effective workout done in a very short amount of time. For example,  after you perform  a Pause Set with the incline fly press for your chest, you can immediately begin performing a Decline Set with  hammer  curls for your biceps.

Find out more at

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ENIVA’s CEO Andy Baechler Says It Like It Is!

Eniva… Smart Products for a Better Life, Vibrant living is not more drugs it is healthy supplement solutions


Click here for more information

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The 3 Day Suero Cleanse

Detoxification is so important to your body for loosing weight and fighting off disease. Jordan Rubin shares the benefits of the 3 Day Suero Cleanse, utilizing SueroViv, a probiotic rich, GreenFed cultured whey beverage. Take the 3 day tune-up challenge, help your body to help you to be healthy! Check out this video explaining why cleansing is great for your body, mind and health!

How to do a Suero Cleanse:

You can have Suero Beverages delivered to your door click here:

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Greenfed Amasai Beverages

Greenfed Amasai Beverages are a great dairy product that can be drunk as a beverage or made into a delicious Sorbet.


SORBET Recipe:

1 Bottle Milk & Honey Amasai

a handful of your favorite fruit or chocolate

a teaspoon of Vanilla

a dash of sea salt

a scoop of your favorite Organic Whey Protein Powder

a handful of spinach

Toss in the Blender and mix until smooth place in freezer containers – FREEZE – EAT – YUM!

BUY Amasai Here:

Arthritis, Cancer Treatment, Cell Oxygen, Depression, Diabetes, Family Health, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Gluten Free, Health, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Natural Disease Treatments, Osteoporosis, Recipe, Self-Help, Stress Management, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

Yummy – I love Kale Chips!

Sunny Sleevez


  • 1 head kale, washed and shake to dry
  • Spray olive oil
  • Sea salt, for sprinkling


Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F.

Remove the ribs from the kale and cut or tear into 1 1/2-inch pieces. Lay on a baking sheet and spray with the olive oil and salt. Bake until crisp,turning the leaves halfway through, about 20 minutes. Serve as finger food.

Alturnatively keep the heat out of the kitchen and put the stifling heat in the car to good use.

I placed the baking dish on my dashboard of my car. I had planned to check on it after a couple of hours but forgot until it was time to pick the children up from camp at 3pm. The chips were crispy and delicious, I put the baking tray on the rear seat to bring in when we got home.

In the 10 mins it took to drive…

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Balance Work and Play

Being healthy means you have Balance in your life. Mix it up with fun healthy activities that can help you burn calories and put a smile on your face too!

Coach Carolyn

Hey! Forget about what you think I’m going to say here. You’re thinking that I’m going to tell you to schedule more play time, do less work time. Well, that might be a good idea, but that’s not what I’m going to talk about. Turns out that the type of play you choose can help you out at work. Intrigued?

If you’ve gone to college, been away at a retreat, or spent much of any time in the business world, you’ve likely taken some sort of self-assessment that has labeled you as “ENFP” or “Yellow” or told you that you have a “Driver” personality. And while that is interesting, particularly in relation to how those around you differ from you, what else did you learn to do with the information? Unfortunately, in the context of these learning events there is rarely time to delve much deeper. Here’s one way to…

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Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Happiness, Health, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Joint Problems, Mental Health, Miracle Food, Natural Disease Treatments, Organic Foods, Osteoporosis, Recipe, Self-Help, Stress Relief, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

Monday’s Recipe – Tangy Citrus Lemonade

This sounds delicious.

Image credit: nastya22 / 123RF Stock Photo

Reblogged from Refine fitness studio


Nutrition Information per serving: 101 calories, 1g protein, 28g carbohydrate, 0g fat (0g saturated), 2g fibre

Refine Fitness Studio

Now that the weather is relenting a bit (can you say HOT!), I love sitting outside and enjoying a cold drink while watching the sun go down. This time of year lets me indulge in my favourite drink, lemonade. Here is a great recipe that is low in calories but big on flavour.

6 large lemons (1 1/2 cups juice)
3 medium limes (1/3 cup juice)
3/4 to 1 cup honey
6 cups water
2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries
Ice cubes
Lemon and/or lime slices (optional)

1. In a 2-1/2-quart pitcher, combine lemon juice, lime juice, and 3/4 to 1 cup honey. Add water and raspberries. Cover and chill for at least 2 hours or up to 24 hours.

2. Just before serving, gently stir to combine. Pour into ice-filled glasses. Add lemon and/or lime slices, if desired.

Nutrition Information per serving: 101 calories, 1g protein, 28g carbohydrate, 0g…

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Exercise – oxygen flowing – body – brain – health

© Photographer Phil Date | Agency:

Exercise can lower blood pressure, relieve stress creating happiness hormones, as we all know it also helps us to loose weight and build muscles. They have used exercise for treatment of depression, cancer, arthritis and joint problems, muscle tension, osteoporosis, traumatic stress, lowers hight blood pressure, boosts energy, improves your sex life and your mood. So how can you loose, it only offers you lots of benefits (unless of course you over exercise and don’t do warm ups, you could pull a muscle or too).

Check out this Upper Overhead Shoulder Press exercise from Maximized Living, with their Surge training 20 seconds on 20 seconds off program, you get Maximized Results in Minimized time!  

Upper Flyset Press exercise

More Quickset exercises from Maximized living:

Click here to check out the MaxT3 exercise DVDs or here to find out more about MaxT3 exercising.