Allergies, Family Health, Happiness, Health, Health Secrets, Self-Help

Cure to Pollen Allergy?

Ahhh~~ Spring time is here, the sun is shining and flowers are blooming. It is supposed to be in the 80′s here this week. Who doesn’t love spring? If you live in an area where the weather fluctuates as much as it does where I live, you are excited when the good weather finally arrives.

However, with the good weather and flowers also comes all that pollen! People with pollen allergies have to suffer with stuffy noses, itchy throat and eyes. It is miserable when you are trying to sleep and you wake up in the middle of the night because your throat is itching so bad. It has been happening to me for the last week.

People have told me in the past that drinking honey helps a lot. I’ve also heard stories of people that drink honey for a couple years have had their allergies completely go away! I have done a little bit of research on this, and it seems like very few people know about this treatment or cure.

What is it?!

What you do is you mix a tablespoon (or however much you want to use really) of honey into warm water everyday and drink it. Or as often as you want. You can also mix it into a warm cup of green tea (which I would recommend). This is a great drink in the morning instead of coffee (which is not so good for you and stains your teeth.. ew). A couple years sounds like a long time, but I think it is worth a try if you won’t have to suffer from allergies anymore. Anyway, honey is healthier than sugar. And there are many health benefits from drinking green tea, so you should be drinking it anyway!

Last year, I tried drinking the green tea and honey mix throughout the spring time and it felt like I had no allergies what-so-ever! I didn’t even have to drink it everyday. I stopped in the fall, so now my allergies have come back . I am trying going to try this again, except without stopping.

Is it worth a try?

Obviously, you won’t see instant results like you would if you were taking some kind of medicine, such as Zyrtec, Claritin, or some prescription drug because honey is not a drug! It is completely natural. It could take days or even weeks until you notice that your allergies are not bothering you. I think that this is worth it because honey is inexpensive compared to taking pills or a spray

Does it work?

Like I said, it has worked for me and my mom. Other people have said it works as well. Here is why it works! Honey is basically vomit from bees, which is collected from the nectar of flowers. Since it comes directly from flowers, it contains small amounts of pollen in it. Not enough to set off your allergies though! It works almost like a vaccine.



Ahhh~~  Spring time is here, the sun is shining and flowers are blooming.  It is supposed to be in the 80’s here this week.  Who doesn’t love spring?  If you live in an area where the weather fluctuates as much as it does where I live, you are excited when the good weather finally arrives.

However, with the good weather and flowers also comes all that pollen!  People with pollen allergies have to suffer with stuffy noses, itchy throat and eyes.  It is miserable when you are trying to sleep and you wake up in the middle of the night because your throat is itching so bad.  It has been happening to me for the last week.

People have told me in the past that drinking honey helps a lot.  I’ve also heard stories of people that drink honey for a couple years have had their allergies completely go away!…

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