Almonds, Boost Energy, Energy Gain, Energy Healing, Family Health, Fatigue, Flax Seeds, Green Vegetables, Happiness, Harmony, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Hemp Seeds, Leafy Green Veggies, Leafy Greens, Magnesium, Natural Cures, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Energy, Natural Treatments, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Positive Attitude, Protein, Salmon, Self-Help, Spinach, Stress Relief, Tuna, Tuna, Vitamins-Minerals, Walnuts

8 #Healthy Ways to Boost #Energy – #Breakfast #Almonds #Spinach #Protein #Omega3 #FlaxSeeds #HempSeeds #Magnesium #Water #CynthiasHealthHut

8 healthy ways to boost energy –

8 healthy ways to boost energy

By Tiffany Barrett, Special to CNN
updated 10:16 AM EST, Wed November 28, 2012
Your food and beverage choices can have a big effect on your energy levels throughout the day, an expert says.
Your food and beverage choices can have a big effect on your energy levels throughout the day, an expert says.

  • Energy drinks can contain excess sugar and high caffeine
  • Staying hydrated is important in avoiding fatigue, expert says
  • Eating breakfast and consuming protein can also help energy levels

Editor’s note: Tiffany Barrett is a registered dietician at Emory University’s Winship Cancer Institute.

(CNN) — As our energy levels decrease because of our overstressed lifestyles, many people look for a quick fix to combat fatigue.

Energy drinks mask the symptoms of fatigue and dehydrate the body. The majority of energy drinks contain excess sugar, high levels of caffeine and other stimulants.

Recently, the 5-hour Energy shot and Monster Energy drink have come under fire.

The Food and Drug Administration said this month that 13 deaths have been reported after consumption of 5-hour Energy. Last month, the parents of a 14-year-old girl filed suit, alleging that she died after drinking two Monster Energy drinks in a 24-hour period. Anais Fournier’s underlying heart condition was complicated by caffeine toxicity, according to the death certificate.

FDA checks reports on energy shot

Relying on caffeine and energy drinks makes us feel worse in the long run by causing our system to crash.

Continued fatigue decreases the immune system, making us more susceptible to depression and illness.

So what to do? Exercise, sleep and reducing stress are important in fighting fatigue. But our eating habits also directly affect energy levels. And nutrition can affect energy levels throughout the day.

What you should know about caffeine

Here are some tips on healthy ways to boost your energy:

Drink water

The body needs water — multiple glasses a day.

Being hydrated is an easy and inexpensive way to increase energy levels. You don’t need vitamin water or sports drinks; they only add extra unneeded calories. Keep a fresh water source with you at all times and drink throughout the day. Add lemons, limes or oranges for taste variety.

Eat breakfast

This is the meal that sets the stage for the entire day. Studies show that breakfast helps keep you alert, starts your metabolism for the day and keeps you satisfied until lunch.

But a healthy breakfast is the key. Good options include whole-grain cereals, breads, fruit and lean protein instead of doughnuts, pastries and white breads. A hard-boiled egg sliced into a whole wheat pita, oatmeal with fruit, and whole-grain toast with natural peanut butter are all healthy choices.

Don’t forget protein

Not consuming enough protein during the day can be a primary reason for fatigue. Protein-based foods provide the body with fuel to repair and build tissues. Protein takes longer than carbohydrates to break down in the body, providing a longer-lasting energy source. You can find protein in poultry, fish, lean red meat, nuts, milk, yogurt, eggs, yogurt, cheese and tofu.

Keep your carbs smart

Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of fuel. Pick whole grains like cereal, brown rice and whole wheat bread, and avoid sweets, which cause energy to plummet. Many processed carbohydrates contain little to no fiber. Always read the nutrition label.

Snacks are important

If you let yourself get too hungry between meals, your blood sugar falls, and you get lethargic. Keep your blood sugar and energy level steady during the day by consuming snacks. Choosing the right snacks prevent peaks and valleys in energy.

Combine complex carbs with a protein and/or fat for lasting energy. The protein and fat slow the breakdown of sugar into the blood, preventing fatigue. Snacks also can prevent overeating at mealtimes. A few examples of smart snack choices are yogurt with fruit, mixed nuts, veggies with hummus, pears with almond butter, whey protein shake or blueberries with a cheese stick. Plan ahead!

Omega-3 fatty acids

Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, combat depression and improve mood and memory. Try to focus on omega-3 fats from food rather than supplements. Excellent sources include salmon, tuna, walnuts, flax seeds, leafy greens and hemp seeds.


Almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts are rich in magnesium, a mineral important in converting carbohydrates into energy. Other good sources of magnesium include whole grains and dark green vegetables.

Don’t skimp on calories

Skimping on calories decreases your metabolism and causes you to feel lethargic. Keep your energy levels high and increase metabolism by meeting your caloric needs each day. Whole foods are preferred over supplements to obtain protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals instead of one or two single nutrients. Consume a variety of foods for overall health but also to keep your energy levels high.

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Energy Gain, Goals, Health, Health Secrets, Motivation, Positive Attitude

#Goals – When #Motivation runs out | #VibrantArizona via #HealthCoachForBusyMoms

Goals – When motivation runs out | Vibrant Arizona.

Merianne Drew Schwietz


With the new year upon us, many are thinking about making New Year’s Resolutions. What exactly is a resolution and why are they so important? According to Webster’s Dictionary, resolution comes from the verb resolve meaning: to make a definite and serious decision to do something. This is no light-hearted, passing emotion. This is a serious commitment to act!

Are you thinking about making a healthy resolution this year? Maybe you want to make a commitment to eat better overall. Maybe you want to lose X number of pounds or gain X number of pounds. Maybe you want to finally stop feeling fatigued all the time or you want to get more sleep. Whatever your goal, it is noble and good for you to want to better your health.

But what if you’ve made this goal before? What if you weren’t able to follow-through? Many people think they don’t follow-through with their goals because they lack motivation or they somehow “lost” their motivation.

Have you ever finished a grade in school? Have you ever raised kids and put them through college? Have you ever made plans to meet a friend for lunch and shown up when and where you promised? What if following through on your goals or promises has nothing to do with motivation? Motivation is all about how you feel at a particular moment. What if follow-through has nothing to do with how you are feeling at any time?

When you met your friend for lunch, it happened because you gave your word. When you did the grocery shopping, it happened because you decided to do it, you made a list, you planned to drive to the store after work, and you made it happen. You were resolved. Your commitment becomes your motivation causing action regardless of how “motivated” you feel.

When you decide to do something and then do it, your subconscious mind files it as a success and it contributes to your self-confidence and self-trust. When you make a decision to do something and then fail to do it, your sub-conscious mind files it as a failure. This failure eats away at your self-confidence and your sense of self-trust. Every time you break a promise to yourself, your self-trust erodes just a little more. It’s just the same as if someone else in your life continually breaks promises. You learn not to trust them. You learn to not expect them to follow-through. In fact, you begin to expect them to not deliver on a commitment.

So what if your self-trust has been eroded by breaking big and small commitments to yourself? What if it is so eroded that you immediately roll your eyes at yourself as soon as you make a commitment to better health. While you’re taking a drag from your cigarette, you’re saying to yourself, “I knew you wouldn’t be able to do it. You have no willpower!”

Rebuilding Self-Trust

First, I recommend taking baby steps. Make a list every day of 5 small things you want to accomplish. Start with things you would do anyway like taking out the garbage, making breakfast or doing a load of laundry. As you start checking off these small tasks, your subconscious mind will start filing them away as successes. You’ll start looking forward to checking off the tasks as each one will gives you a small boost in confidence. As you rebuild your self trust, you’ll start adding more ambitious tasks like going to bed on time, turning off the t.v. after one hour of viewing, enjoying 4 servings of vegetables, drinking 6 glasses of water. Keeping promises to yourself is not about seeking perfection. It’s about trusting yourself to not be overcome by failures; to get up again when you fall.

Second, limit your time with people who erode your self-trust. These are naysayers who probably don’t trust themselves either. These people like to chip away at your self-esteem and undermine your confidence. They point to your past deficiencies as proof of your inability to succeed. Ask yourself, “Does he support my goals? Does she encourage me to do better?” Avoid those who do not.

Third, work on changing your self-talk. Everyone has those Mean Voices inside their heads. Your head is a dangerous neighborhood. Don’t go up there alone! Make a conscious decision to change your self-talk from self-sabotage to self-love.  When you fail to keep a promise to yourself and start to think things like, “You’re such a failure. You can’t follow-through on anything!” catch yourself and replace the negative thought with a positive one like, “It was just a small slip-up. I’ll do better next time” or “That was a big mistake. I’ll learn from it and I love myself anyway.”

Cynthia Wall, psychotherapist and author of The Courage to Trust: A Guide to Building Deep and Lasting Relationships, says, “Trust is the heartbeat of every significant relationship, with yourself as well as with others. In fact, the relationship with yourself is the foundation of all other relationships.” Learning to forgive yourself when you make a mistake makes it easier to forgive others. This has amazing health benefits for your own stress reduction too.

When you start building your self-trust back up again, you can begin to tackle those big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAG). Make sure to break up each goal into a set of smaller, easy-to-measure daily or weekly goals. This way even if you haven’t met your ultimate goal yet, you can check off your successes knowing that each small success is bringing you one step closer to your big success. One step closer to your fulfilling your resolution.

by Merianne Drew, Holistic Health Coach


Health Coach for Busy Moms

Ancient Formulas, Ancient Health Treatments, Antioxidant, Beef, Cell Oxygen, Cheese, Chocolate, Detoxification, Diabetes, Energy Gain, Family Health, Food, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Grass-fed, Happiness, Harmony, Health, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Inner peace, Meal Plan, Meditation, Mental - Spiritual Health, Mental Health, Miracle Food, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Organic Foods, Peace, Positive Attitude, Self-Help, SuperFood, Transformation, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

The #DanielDiet ~ #EAT #PRAY #SUPPORT #LOVE ~ #BeyondOrganic ~ #CynthiasHealthHut


What is the Daniel Diet?

The Daniel Diet is a 10-day transformation that goes beyond simple weight loss. As a Community, we eat together, pray together and support each other through a dynamic 10-day journey.

What Can I Expect?

We have gone through two community-wide Daniel Diets this year, one in January and another in March. Combined, over 400 people have joined us in our community-wide Daniel Diets. We have also had dozens of small groups start their own Daniel Diet experience. Here’s just a sampling of the results:

  • Weight Loss for Women – The average weight loss for women who completed the 10-day Daniel Diet was 8.3 pounds
  • Weight Loss for Men – The average weight loss for men who completed the 10-day Daniel Diet was 14 pounds.
  • Energy Gain – Many people reported elevated energy levels, with many people indicating that energy levels rose significantly after day 3.
  • Detoxification – The combination of raw, organic, non-GMO foods and the “fasting” periods that are a part of the Daniel Diet make it one of the best detoxification programs you will ever find.
  • Spiritual renewal – A vital part of the Daniel Diet is the fact that we do this as a community. We have dozens of testimonials from past Daniel Dieters that speak to the unique spiritual nature of the 10-days and what it has meant in terms of spiritual growth.



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#MaximizedLiving #MealPlans #Healthy meals #Veggies #Fruit #Smoothies #GrassFed #Beef #Nutrition

Maximized Living Meal Plans.

Maximized Living Meal Plans

The typical North American diet is not working, as seen by the skyrocketing levels of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. New research demonstrates that these conditions are mostly preventable, and even reversible, by a change of lifestyle. This book not only explains the science, but also has all of the resources, tools, and recipes you will need to make a change.

Learn more about Essential #3 Maximized Quality Nutrition here

See below for three days of sample meal plans from the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans book, and visit the Recipes blog on our website to keep up to date on sample recipes from the program.

CORE Plan Menu Ideas


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Tomato Soup w/ Tuna Salad
Snack: Whole Grain Tortillas w/Salsa & Guacamole
Dinner: Cole Slaw w/Roasted Vegetables & 1/4-cup Hemp Seeds


Breakfast: Eggs Florentine
Lunch: Stuffed Portobello
Snack: Crackers and Veggies with Hummus
Dinner: Chili


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Taco Salad on Brown Rice and Greens
Snack: Trail Mix
Dinner: Chicken Salad on Greens with Almonds

Advanced Plan Menu Ideas


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Greek Salad w/Turkey Burger
Snack: Raw Nuts & Sea Salt Trail Mix
Dinner: Chicken Breast w/Oven Roasted Vegetables


Breakfast: Veggie Omelette with or without Cheese
Lunch: Zucchini Boats with Ground Turkey
Snack: Almond Power Bar
Dinner: Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sacue and Mashed No-Tatoes


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Buffalo Chicken
Snack: Chopped Coconut
Dinner: Mini Grass-Fed Burgers with Roasted Cauliflower

Acupuncture, Ancient Health Treatments, Arthritis, Back Pain, Chakra Energy, Depression, Energy Healing, Family Health, Happiness, Harmony, Health, Health Secrets, Inner peace, Joint Problems, Joints, Massage, Meditation, Mental - Spiritual Health, Muscle Pain Relief, Natural Cures, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Pain Relief, Positive Attitude, Reiki, Self-Help, Stress Management, Stress Relief

Energy Healing with Callie at the Artifex Manuum Spa & Gallery in Minneapolis Minnesota

If you are in need of Healing Physically, Emotionally or Spiritually energy wise Check out Energy Healer Callie Amiday in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Artifex Manuum Spa & Gallery.

Recently I had Healing Energy work done on me at Artifex by Callie Amiday. It was amazing and she is amazing. It opened me up to large amounts of healing energy, I feel like my energy has ben transformed and my vibrations have been ramped up since the session.

Each day since the session I have been feeling slight changes in my energy.

Anyone reading this should see Callie and have Healing Energy work done by her you will benefit from it, I did!  Thanks and much love to Callie!

☯(◠‿◠)♫•✿♥☼`•.¸¸.☆¯`•.¸☆*♪♫•✿ ❤(◕‿◕)❤♬♡☼☯

Callie Amiday

Check out Callie’s Corner of Co-Creation

How Healing Works Part 1: Energy By Callie Amiday

Over the next several posts I will  provide an in depth explanation of how Intuitive Healing works as well as  other holistic healing modalities.

First let’s review a few major concepts.

  • Everything in the universe is made of energy, including us
  • Energy is Everything
  • Everything in the Universe is connected
  • We humans are created in the divine image and likeness of God

What is energy? Energy is Everything!The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines energy as
1.  a : dynamic quality

b : the capacity of acting or being activec : a usually positive spiritual force <the energy flowing through all people
: vigorous exertion of power
: a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work
: usable power (as heat or electricity); also : the resources for producing such power
Everything in the universe is made of energy
We learned way back in elementary school that every thing in the universe is made up of atoms.  But what are atoms?  Atoms are mostly empty space.  In elementary school we learned that protons and neutrons make up the center of the atom which is called the nucleus.  Orbiting the the nucleus are electrons.

Drawn to scale.  If the protons and neutrons were a centimeter in diameter.  The electrons would be less than the diameter of a hair.  The entire atom’s diameter would be greater than the length of 30 football fields!
Another mental picture.  If an atom were as large as a football stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a small ladybug crawling across the 50-yard line. In spite of this size difference, virtually all of the mass of an atom is concentrated in its nucleus. One electron, which has a negative charge, weighs only 1/1836 as much as the lightest of all nuclei, that of the hydrogen atom (proton).   What is between the nucleus and the electrons?  Empty Space!  Therefore most of the universe it empty space.  Actual physical matter is only a fraction of the universe.

The rest is energy in other forms both within our capacity to comprehend as well as outside of it.  These other forms are, light, thought, vibration, and feeling to name a few.

Artiflex Manuum Spa:

Artifex Manuum Spa and Gallery (art-ee-fex man-u-um), meaning “Artistic Hands” in Latin, is a collective group of body workers, healers, artists, and crafters that have joined forces to create a combined massage spa and art gallery located in Uptown Minneapolis in the Twin Cities, offering an array of spa services, packages and treatments that include the following:

  • Massage including Therapeutic, Relaxation, Post/Prenatal, Hot Stone and Signature
  • Asian inspired bodywork including Shiatsu, Thai Yoga massage, and Chinese foot massage
  • Energy work including Reiki and Intuitive Spiritual Healing
  • Whole body treatments including our hydrating exfoliating wrap and Raindrop Treatment.

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Anti-Aging Foods For Women via Maximized Living

Anti-Aging Foods For Women

Assorted berries

Image courtesy of iStockphoto / Thinkstock

Today, people are searching for ways to keep themselves feeling and looking younger. In addition to keeping an active lifestyle, eating well can decrease risk of heart disease–the no. 1 killer of women in America—as well as other health issues.

Eating a fresh whole-food diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will keep women of all ages feeling and looking their best.

Here’s a brief list of foods that have been shown to fight the effects of aging in women:


Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries and gooseberries are all foods that are rich in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, one of the greatest anti-aging assets found in organic foods.1

Berries protect against the deterioration of cognitive and motor functions, reduce oxidative stress, lower inflammation and improve brain cell signaling, according to Dr. Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Ph.D.

They’re also a great source of vitamins and can even ensure proper blood flow. Besides flavonoids, berries also are loaded with other nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium and folate (vitamin B9).

There’s a large amount of fiber in a daily serving of berries, which also offer digestive benefits. Consuming berries on a consistent basis provides the body with minerals and salts that destroy free radicals, which helps protect women against aging. Shukitt-Hale suggests 1 cup of berries per day to prevent memory loss, lower disease risks and curb weight gain.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil provides the clean, healthy fats the body needs to maintain healthy skin and hair throughout life. In general, “good” fats—monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil’s case—are lacking in the diets of most North Americans. Extra virgin olive oil represents your best choice because it is minimally handled and processed, and it tastes delicious.

When cooking with olive oil, never heat the oil so much that it begins to smoke. Use low to medium heat only, and monitor the oil. Once it starts to smoke, olive oil actually turns rancid.


In order to keep skin supple, women are encouraged to eat about 12 ounces per week of wild salmon, as suggested by the American Heart Association.

Salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids, is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, reduces inflammation and slows the progression of chronic disease. Salmon is known to reduce blood pressure, a common health issue for women over 50.2

Dark, Leafy Greens

Kale, spinach, collard greens, romaine lettuce and Swiss chard are dark green vegetables that are full of vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The vitamin B in greens guards the heart and memory. Vitamin A supports skin cell turnover, and the lutein found in many forms of green vegetables protects vision.

According to Martha Clare Morris ScD, director of the Center of Nutrition & Aging at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, those who eat three to four servings of greens a day will experience less of a decline in memory, recall and other mental functions. Morris and her team have tested 37,000 people.

The antioxidants in greens prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene–commonly found in green vegetables–help block UV rays that cause skin to age rapidly. The nutrients in greens help fight against cardiovascular disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and may even prevent certain types of cancer.


Garlic is equally as delicious as it is good for you. Garlic is part of a class of vegetables known alliums, which help support your liver’s natural ability to neutralize and remove toxins and carcinogens. To prevent cell degeneration, garlic keeps blood thin and also prevents heart disease.3

Like many of the other foods on the list, garlic is rich in antioxidants. It can help limit the growth of abnormal cells and increases blood flow that goes to the brain for awareness.

According to Dr. Ian Smith M.D., garlic also helps fight acne, prevent dandruff and kill bacteria.

What You Can Do

Eating healthy is not about depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about fulfilling your body’s needs for vital nutrients. With the right dietary information, you can keep your body looking and feeling fantastic for life.

To get the nutrition news your body needs, contact your nearest Maximized Living doctor, or subscribe to our newsletter, which features all the latest health news.


Health, Mental Health, Online Therapy, Positive Attitude, Self-Help

#Depression and #Procrastination have been struggles in my #Life at various times and this article from Dr. Nicholas Jenner keys into the why and how to help yourself out of the cycle.

#Depression and #Procrastination have been struggles in my #Life at various times and this article from Dr. Nicholas Jenner keys into the why and how to help yourself out of the cycle.

View original post

Depression, FUN, Happiness, Harmony, Health, Inner peace, Laughing, Love, Mental - Spiritual Health, Mental Health, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Peace, Positive Attitude, Recovery, Self-Help

Are you a Wayseer?

The Wayseer Manifesto

Your Creative Mind and Soul is what God gave you when you were born.

You can use it to HEAL yourself – Believe in YOURSELF!



Are you a Free-Spirit, Visionary, Misfit, Rebel, Pioneer, Artist, Musician, Creative worker, Addict or Just someone who has felt out of place – then you are a Wayseer!

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Chakra Energy Center Locations and Meanings via Facebook / Sun Gazing

Your Chakra Energy Centers are an Important part to being Healthy.

 Most of us don’t pay much attention to them,
but if we did we would be alot Healthier and Happier.

(3) Facebook.

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Juice Your Belly Fat Away via Fitlife.TV

Juice Your Belly Fat Away | Fitlife.TV.


Added by  on 2013-02-05

When my clients first come to me they want to transform their lives in many ways. They want to transform their mindset, their health and their overall outlook on life. One of the first things I suggest is going on theAlpha Reset. The Alpha Reset is a program that helps cleanse and detox your body. Once you go through the Alpha Reset, you start reprogramming the way you think about food and what you eat. Transformations

Most people think if they eat grains and brown rice then they are on the road to weight loss. Well, that’s not entirely true. You need to eat foods high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to get rid of that belly fat.

In this post I am going to share with you some of the best foods to eat to decrease your belly fat. Also before you do anything consider going on a juice program like the Alpha Reset. Get those toxins out of your body and reset your health.

Belly fat is dangerous and it takes more than just exercising to reduce that fat around your belly. You need to eat food high in nutrients.

1. Apples

Apples contain pectin, a water soluble fiber and are packed with antioxidants. Juicing apples or eating them raw can decrease the amount of visceral fat (fat around your stomach and organs). The fiber from the apple also keeps you feeling full.

Belly Flattening Juice

For more juice recipes with apples, click here <—

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are packed with vitamins C, A and B and also essential vitamins and minerals. Most people don’t want to eat tomatoes because they think that since it’s a fruit that it’s loaded with sugar. Tomatoes score a 15 on the glycemic index so it won’t spike your blood sugar. Cooking tomatoes is actually really beneficial. When tomatoes are heated they actually have a lycopene content and helps with absorption of nutrients.

For more tomatoes juice recipes, click here <—

3. Celery

Celery is great. It’s also a great base to any juice recipe.  It has anti-cancer properties, aides in digestion, acts as a diuretic, and is anti-inflammatory. Celery is rich in sodium and potassium, which is a great after workout drink. Celery contains coumarins, which have anticancer properties. Coumarin also help lower blood pressure and also help with migraines.

Check out the benefits of celery <—-

Start your own juicing journey today. Leave the bad habits, negative thoughts, and low energy behind. It’s easier to prevent disease then to cure it. 



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Cancer Treatment, Depression, Fibromyalgia/Chornic Fatigue, FUN, Happiness, Harmony, Health, Health Secrets, Inner peace, Laughing, Love, Meditation, Mental - Spiritual Health, Mental Health, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Peace, Positive Attitude, Self-Help, Stress Management, Stress Relief

Cynthia FletcherDust (@Cynthiasfd) has shared a tweet with you

@LIVEpositivity My definition of the meaning of #Life is: To be #Happy most all of the #Time #LIVEPOSITIVITY — Power of Positivity — Cynthia FletcherDust (@Cynthiasfd) Live in JOY & Gratitude – Happy Weekend to all! QUOTE ~ You are far greater than you have ever dreamed of being. 🙂 ROBIN SHARMA Learn from life & allow it to take you where you are meant to go- it has your highest interests in mind. (-_-)♥•.¸¸ ☆¯`•☆*♪◦♡**¨*↘✯↗✯* : (-_-)х(-_-) •✿♥°`•.¸¸.☆¯`•.¸☆*♪•✿♥♬♡ ❀ (•_•) Love comes in all forms! ♫•✿♥°`•.¸¸.☆¯`•.¸☆*♪•✿♥♬♡ ❀ (•_•)

Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antioxidant, Arthritis, Cancer Treatment, Cell Oxygen, Detoxification, Family Health, Food, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Green Beverages, Health, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Miracle Food, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Organic Foods, Positive Attitude, Self-Help, SuperFood, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? reblogged from

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? |

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables?

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? thumbnail

Fresh fruit is healthy.

Everyone loves the taste of fresh garden vegetables and sweet orchard fruit. They can be enjoyed as a salad or by themselves. Because these delicious snacks are also very healthy, you should try to eat them with every meal.

  1. Disease Prevention

    • Apples, oranges, and bananas will put a smile on your face.

      Fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that help prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.


    • Fruits and vegetables are helpful in keeping a trim waistline.

      Cancer Research UK reports that eating a fresh apple or fresh orange each day cuts a person’s risk of cancer by up to 20 percent. For overall health, they recommend eating five servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

    Weight Control

    • Because they are naturally low in calories, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to maintain a healthy weight. The Centers for Disease Control recommends substituting higher calories foods such as eggs for fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits rather than cakes for dessert.


    • Fresh fruits and vegetables travel well and are easy to pack in a lunch box for a quick on-the-go snack or to starve off mid-afternoon hunger pangs.


    • Fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber. This helps to regulate the digestive system and cleanse the arteries from unwanted plaque buildup.


    • Eating raw vegetables such as carrot or celery sticks or crunchy fruits such as apples helps to rid the teeth of excess plaque and exercises the gums. This leads to better dental health and prevention of gum disease.


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Read more: What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? |

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The Secret

What Is The Secret

Everything is Possible

Nothing is Impossible

The Secret has been passed down through the ages… coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, bought for vast sums of money, and known by some of the most exceptional people who ever lived: Plato, Galileo, Da Vinci, Beethoven, Edison, and Einstein, to name but a few.

The Secret book reveals how you can change every aspect of your life. You can turn any weakness or suffering into strength, power, unlimited abundance, health and joy.

Everything is possible, nothing is impossible. There are no limits. Whatever you can dream of can be yours, when you use The Secret.

Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day – friends, family, work colleagues, strangers – give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you. This might sound like it is not connected with you and your life, but it is inseparably connected through cosmic law.
As you give joy to every person you meet, you bring joy to YOU. The more you can give joy to others, the more you will bring the joy back to you. From The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda

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