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#MaximizedLiving #MealPlans #Healthy meals #Veggies #Fruit #Smoothies #GrassFed #Beef #Nutrition

Maximized Living Meal Plans.

Maximized Living Meal Plans

The typical North American diet is not working, as seen by the skyrocketing levels of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. New research demonstrates that these conditions are mostly preventable, and even reversible, by a change of lifestyle. This book not only explains the science, but also has all of the resources, tools, and recipes you will need to make a change.

Learn more about Essential #3 Maximized Quality Nutrition here

See below for three days of sample meal plans from the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans book, and visit the Recipes blog on our website to keep up to date on sample recipes from the program.

CORE Plan Menu Ideas


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Tomato Soup w/ Tuna Salad
Snack: Whole Grain Tortillas w/Salsa & Guacamole
Dinner: Cole Slaw w/Roasted Vegetables & 1/4-cup Hemp Seeds


Breakfast: Eggs Florentine
Lunch: Stuffed Portobello
Snack: Crackers and Veggies with Hummus
Dinner: Chili


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Taco Salad on Brown Rice and Greens
Snack: Trail Mix
Dinner: Chicken Salad on Greens with Almonds

Advanced Plan Menu Ideas


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Greek Salad w/Turkey Burger
Snack: Raw Nuts & Sea Salt Trail Mix
Dinner: Chicken Breast w/Oven Roasted Vegetables


Breakfast: Veggie Omelette with or without Cheese
Lunch: Zucchini Boats with Ground Turkey
Snack: Almond Power Bar
Dinner: Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sacue and Mashed No-Tatoes


Breakfast: Smoothie
Lunch: Buffalo Chicken
Snack: Chopped Coconut
Dinner: Mini Grass-Fed Burgers with Roasted Cauliflower

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90 for Life Youngevity

 90 for Life Youngevity Products are

Healthy, Organic, Natural, Certified

90 For Life Youngevity

  • Natural Organic Food Supplements

  • Liquid Nutrition

  • Vitamins & Minerals

  • Healthy Chocolate

  • Healthy Coffee

  • Energy/Sport Drinks

  • Makeup

  • Spa & Personal Care

  • Natural Organic Pet Products

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Discover 99 Superfoods and Green Smoothie Recipes That Will Keep You Healthy, Beautiful, and Young VIA Little Pearl Publishing

Discover 99 Superfoods and Green Smoothie Recipes That Will Keep You Healthy, Beautiful, and Young | Little Pearl Publishing.


Discover 99 Superfoods and Green Smoothie Recipes That Will Keep You Healthy, Beautiful, and Young

Kristin Schiffer, like so many celebrities, has transformed her life and body through the power of superfoods and daily green smoothies.  It wasn’t that long ago that Schiffer was struggling – struggling to keep her weight in check, struggling to find enough energy to get through the day, and struggling with all of the tell-tale signs of aging.  Taking a cue from the world’s most glamorous celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Schiffer began to infuse her daily diet with superfoods and green juices.  Her results were too incredible to believe.  Now a healthy, youthful, energetic, and beautiful 40-something, Schiffer reveals her 99 superfood secrets and favorite green smoothie recipes in her hot new book, Green Smoothie Recipes: 99 Fountain of Youth Superfood Secrets.

Superfoods are not a trend.  In fact, superfoods have been used to keep people healthy and youthful all around the world for centuries.  It wasn’t until recently, however, that science was able to explain what people groups have known instinctively for hundreds of years – certain foods, when consumed in their raw, natural state, have the ability to heal illnesses, prevent diseases, promote overall health, aid the body’s natural functions, and enhance skin, hair, muscle, and general appearance.

With her personal experience backed by centuries of tradition and new medical research, we here at Little Pearl are excited to offer a new book that has the ability to dramatically change lives.  There are no longer any excuses for people to feel lethargic, weighed down by aches and pains, or unhappy about their health and appearance.  The 99 superfoods she discusses have the potential to unlock the fountain of youth we have all been searching for. And with dozens of her favorite green smoothie recipes, you will be ready to jumpstart a new life and a new you today!

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Juice Your Belly Fat Away via Fitlife.TV

Juice Your Belly Fat Away | Fitlife.TV.


Added by  on 2013-02-05

When my clients first come to me they want to transform their lives in many ways. They want to transform their mindset, their health and their overall outlook on life. One of the first things I suggest is going on theAlpha Reset. The Alpha Reset is a program that helps cleanse and detox your body. Once you go through the Alpha Reset, you start reprogramming the way you think about food and what you eat. Transformations

Most people think if they eat grains and brown rice then they are on the road to weight loss. Well, that’s not entirely true. You need to eat foods high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to get rid of that belly fat.

In this post I am going to share with you some of the best foods to eat to decrease your belly fat. Also before you do anything consider going on a juice program like the Alpha Reset. Get those toxins out of your body and reset your health.

Belly fat is dangerous and it takes more than just exercising to reduce that fat around your belly. You need to eat food high in nutrients.

1. Apples

Apples contain pectin, a water soluble fiber and are packed with antioxidants. Juicing apples or eating them raw can decrease the amount of visceral fat (fat around your stomach and organs). The fiber from the apple also keeps you feeling full.

Belly Flattening Juice

For more juice recipes with apples, click here <—

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are packed with vitamins C, A and B and also essential vitamins and minerals. Most people don’t want to eat tomatoes because they think that since it’s a fruit that it’s loaded with sugar. Tomatoes score a 15 on the glycemic index so it won’t spike your blood sugar. Cooking tomatoes is actually really beneficial. When tomatoes are heated they actually have a lycopene content and helps with absorption of nutrients.

For more tomatoes juice recipes, click here <—

3. Celery

Celery is great. It’s also a great base to any juice recipe.  It has anti-cancer properties, aides in digestion, acts as a diuretic, and is anti-inflammatory. Celery is rich in sodium and potassium, which is a great after workout drink. Celery contains coumarins, which have anticancer properties. Coumarin also help lower blood pressure and also help with migraines.

Check out the benefits of celery <—-

Start your own juicing journey today. Leave the bad habits, negative thoughts, and low energy behind. It’s easier to prevent disease then to cure it. 



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Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antioxidant, Arthritis, Cancer Treatment, Cell Oxygen, Detoxification, Family Health, Food, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Green Beverages, Health, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Miracle Food, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Organic Foods, Positive Attitude, Self-Help, SuperFood, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? reblogged from

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? |

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables?

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? thumbnail

Fresh fruit is healthy.

Everyone loves the taste of fresh garden vegetables and sweet orchard fruit. They can be enjoyed as a salad or by themselves. Because these delicious snacks are also very healthy, you should try to eat them with every meal.

  1. Disease Prevention

    • Apples, oranges, and bananas will put a smile on your face.

      Fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that help prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.


    • Fruits and vegetables are helpful in keeping a trim waistline.

      Cancer Research UK reports that eating a fresh apple or fresh orange each day cuts a person’s risk of cancer by up to 20 percent. For overall health, they recommend eating five servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

    Weight Control

    • Because they are naturally low in calories, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to maintain a healthy weight. The Centers for Disease Control recommends substituting higher calories foods such as eggs for fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits rather than cakes for dessert.


    • Fresh fruits and vegetables travel well and are easy to pack in a lunch box for a quick on-the-go snack or to starve off mid-afternoon hunger pangs.


    • Fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber. This helps to regulate the digestive system and cleanse the arteries from unwanted plaque buildup.


    • Eating raw vegetables such as carrot or celery sticks or crunchy fruits such as apples helps to rid the teeth of excess plaque and exercises the gums. This leads to better dental health and prevention of gum disease.


       Thank you for visiting Cynthia’s Health Hut!

Read more: What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? |

Antioxidant, Antioxidant, Cell Oxygen, Detoxification, Family Health, Food, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Gluten Free, Happiness, Harmony, Health, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Organic Foods, Recipe, SuperFood, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

Pumpkin Protein Shake

Pumpkin Protein Shake A Smashing Good Life ~ Sounds Yummy!

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9 Health Benefits of Broccoli via Care2 Healthy Living

9 Health Benefits of Broccoli | Care2 Healthy Living.

Love It or Hate It… Broccoli is Good for You!

By Randy Fritz

“I do not like broccoli. And I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I’m President of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli.”  –George Bush

The same year President Bush made this statement, Johns Hopkins University published a cancer study showing that broccoli prevented the development of tumors by 60 percent and helped reduce the size of the tumor by 75 percent!

These finding are just a “taste” of the many health benefits of broccoli. Discover these, the trivia and history behind this plant and some awesome recipes. Broccoli is a powerfood. Unless you are in a select group of individuals, (page 3) broccoli is your friend!

9 Health Benefits

1. Cancer Prevention

Broccoli contains glucoraphanin, which the body processes into the anti-cancer compound sulforaphane. This compound rids the body of H. pylori, a bacterium found to highly increase the risk of gastric cancer. Furthermore, broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen found to not only hinder the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer, but also boosts liver function.

Broccoli shares these cancer fighting, immune boosting properties with other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

2. Cholesterol Reduction

Like many whole foods, broccoli is packed with soluble fiber that draws cholesterol out of your body.

3. Reducing Allergy Reaction and Inflammation

Broccoli is a particularly rich source of kaempferol and isothiocyanates, both anti-inflammatory phyto nutrients. Research has shown the ability of kaempferol to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances on our body. Broccoli even has significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which are well know as an anti-inflammatory.

4. Powerful Antioxidant

Of all the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands out as the most concentrated source of vitamin C, plus the flavonoids necessary for vitamin C to recycle effectively. Also concentrated in broccoli are the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, other powerful antioxidants.

5. Bone Health

Broccoli contains high levels of both calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.

6. Heart Health

The anti-inflammatory properties of sulforaphane, one of the isothiocyanates (ITCs) in broccoli, may be able to prevent (or even reverse) some of the damage to blood vessel linings that can be caused by inflammation due to chronic blood sugar problems.

7. Detoxification

Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin and glucobrassicin are special phytonutrients that support all steps in the body’s detox process, including activation, neutralization and elimination of unwanted contaminants. These three are in the perfect combination in broccoli.  Broccoli also contains isothiocyanates (which you read about in inflammation) which help control the detox process at a genetic level.

8. Diet Aid

Broccoli is a smart carb and is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Furthermore, a cup of broccoli has as much protein as a cup of rice or corn with half the calories.

9. Alkalizes Your Body

Like many vegetables, broccoli helps keep your whole body less acidic, which has a host of health benefits. Read the dangers of an over acid body at: Balance Your Body.


Allergies, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Arthritis, Cancer Treatment, Cell Oxygen, Depression, Diabetes, Family Health, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia/Chornic Fatigue, Food, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Gluten Free, Happiness, Harmony, Headache Cures, Health, Health Secrets, Healthy Foods, Herb, Joints, Mental Health, Miracle Food, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Organic Foods, Skin, SuperFood, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Foods that Protect against Cancer Reblogged~Seattle Organic Restaurants

Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Foods that Protect against Cancer.

In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants they talk about top 10 anti-inflammatory foods that prevent cancer.  Among many other chronic diseases millions of people suffer from inflammation and digestive disorders. The main roots of digestive disorders are poor eating hobbitsconsuming toxic foodsprocessed foods and foods that have artificial coloring and additives. Here are top 10 foods that help to improve inflammation and food digestion.

food digestion

We sometimes eat junk food for a snack; so why not eating fruits instead of processed foods? Pineapplemangoand papaya are the three main anti-inflammatory fruits that have proteolytic enzymes that have anti-ulcerative and anti-microbial properties. These fruits help with digestion and breaking down other foods.

Avocado is a rich superfood high in omega 3 fatty acids (which is good for you) and fiber. Avocados promote food digestion and healthy pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Avocados are one of the best anti-inflammatory fruits that are digestible by almost everyone.


Cinnamon, basil, cayenne and turmeric are among anti-inflammatory herbsCinnamonimproves triglyceride and cholesterol level and helps with better digestion of food. Basil also boosts immune system and is anti-inflammatory.Cayenne is a remarkable anti-inflammatory herbthat helps to prevent digestive disorders, cleans bodypromote weight loss and fight allergies.Turmeric is a Middle Eastern spice that is commonly used in Persian, Asian and Indian dishes. Turmeric anti-inflammatory effects are even better than dugs like as Motrin and hydrocortisone without having their side effects.

The complex carbohydrate in kelp and kombu is anti-inflammatory. Kelp and kambu are antioxidant, prevent tumors and high source of fiber and vitamin K that promote weight loss.

Here in Northwest wild sockeye salmon is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids that is anti-inflammatoryWild sockeye salmon can also prevent heart disease and cancer. Fish oil is also a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids that promotes brain function, intellegance and eyesight.

green tea

The flavonoids in green tea are anti-inflammatory that can prevent the chances of cancer and heart disease.

Shiitake mushroom is an excellent anti-inflammatory that promotes immune system and fight cancer.


Blueberries are incredible source of antioxidantsthat are anti-inflammatory. Blueberries improve immune system and prevent dementia and cancer.Raspberries, cranberries, blackberries andstrawberries also are high source of antioxidants.

Broccoli is a highly nutritious superfood that is anti-inflammatory can prevent breast cancer in women. The phytochemicals in broccoli called “sulforaphane” activates enzymes and throws carcinogen out of cells before cancer can do any harm. Kale is also anti-inflammatory that can clean body and prevent heart disease. Kale is also full of ironcalcium and fiber. Cauliflower also helps with detoxification of body.

In the last few years fermented foods have been disappearing from our diets. Fermented foods are probiotics and have beneficial bacteria that help with food digestion. For example modern pickles are no longer made by lacto-fermentation using salt and are made by vinegar. Most dairy products like cheese and yogurt and alcoholic beverages like wine and beer are being pasteurized by killing most of the good bacteria in them. Since most juices and beverages are pasteurized there are less live enzymes and beneficial bacteria in them to help digest our foods.  Some of fermented foods include yogurt, organic raw apple cider vinegar, kimchi, kefir, kombucha and other fermented veggies.