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Sore #Back Wall Cervical #Traction Unit from #MaximizedLiving

Wall Cervical Traction Unit for

Sore Back & Neck Problems


Wall Cervical Traction Unit

This is an essential part of any chiropractic home care. It is simple and easy to use. Designed by experts in the field of spinal correction, it drastically reduces the time it takes to restore healthy cervical curvature and takes only minutes to maintain it.

New: Padded door stop. No more damaged doors.

1. Perform cervical warm-up, joint lubrication, and cartilagenourishment exercises (twist, flex and extend head/neck).
2. Adjust the connection so that the curved piece hangs slightly lower than the back of the head.
3. Pull handles down until stopped by curved neck piece with handles at shoulder height. Elbows and knees are against the wall, and feet are shoulder-width apart.
4. Place curved piece behind neck and padded handle under chin or on forehead. Place one hand on each handle end, with palms toward face.
5. Hold handles firmly; relax the knees so some body weight is supported by the traction. Traction is applied and controlled by bending the knees.
6. Begin with 10 and work up to 60 repetitions per session.
7. Add deep diaphragmatic breathing with traction, then exhale completely and forcibly when the traction is released.
8. Ice the neck for 10 minutes if any pain is experienced.
NOTE: Loop rope through strap. Place Door Stop over door and close door.

For maximum results, your Maximized Living Health Care Professional my recommend using this item along with other items in the Home Care Kit.

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Energy Healing with Callie at the Artifex Manuum Spa & Gallery in Minneapolis Minnesota

If you are in need of Healing Physically, Emotionally or Spiritually energy wise Check out Energy Healer Callie Amiday in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Artifex Manuum Spa & Gallery.

Recently I had Healing Energy work done on me at Artifex by Callie Amiday. It was amazing and she is amazing. It opened me up to large amounts of healing energy, I feel like my energy has ben transformed and my vibrations have been ramped up since the session.

Each day since the session I have been feeling slight changes in my energy.

Anyone reading this should see Callie and have Healing Energy work done by her you will benefit from it, I did!  Thanks and much love to Callie!

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Callie Amiday

Check out Callie’s Corner of Co-Creation

How Healing Works Part 1: Energy By Callie Amiday

Over the next several posts I will  provide an in depth explanation of how Intuitive Healing works as well as  other holistic healing modalities.

First let’s review a few major concepts.

  • Everything in the universe is made of energy, including us
  • Energy is Everything
  • Everything in the Universe is connected
  • We humans are created in the divine image and likeness of God

What is energy? Energy is Everything!The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines energy as
1.  a : dynamic quality

b : the capacity of acting or being activec : a usually positive spiritual force <the energy flowing through all people
: vigorous exertion of power
: a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between parts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work
: usable power (as heat or electricity); also : the resources for producing such power
Everything in the universe is made of energy
We learned way back in elementary school that every thing in the universe is made up of atoms.  But what are atoms?  Atoms are mostly empty space.  In elementary school we learned that protons and neutrons make up the center of the atom which is called the nucleus.  Orbiting the the nucleus are electrons.

Drawn to scale.  If the protons and neutrons were a centimeter in diameter.  The electrons would be less than the diameter of a hair.  The entire atom’s diameter would be greater than the length of 30 football fields!
Another mental picture.  If an atom were as large as a football stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a small ladybug crawling across the 50-yard line. In spite of this size difference, virtually all of the mass of an atom is concentrated in its nucleus. One electron, which has a negative charge, weighs only 1/1836 as much as the lightest of all nuclei, that of the hydrogen atom (proton).   What is between the nucleus and the electrons?  Empty Space!  Therefore most of the universe it empty space.  Actual physical matter is only a fraction of the universe.

The rest is energy in other forms both within our capacity to comprehend as well as outside of it.  These other forms are, light, thought, vibration, and feeling to name a few.

Artiflex Manuum Spa:

Artifex Manuum Spa and Gallery (art-ee-fex man-u-um), meaning “Artistic Hands” in Latin, is a collective group of body workers, healers, artists, and crafters that have joined forces to create a combined massage spa and art gallery located in Uptown Minneapolis in the Twin Cities, offering an array of spa services, packages and treatments that include the following:

  • Massage including Therapeutic, Relaxation, Post/Prenatal, Hot Stone and Signature
  • Asian inspired bodywork including Shiatsu, Thai Yoga massage, and Chinese foot massage
  • Energy work including Reiki and Intuitive Spiritual Healing
  • Whole body treatments including our hydrating exfoliating wrap and Raindrop Treatment.

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9 Health Benefits of Broccoli via Care2 Healthy Living

9 Health Benefits of Broccoli | Care2 Healthy Living.

Love It or Hate It… Broccoli is Good for You!

By Randy Fritz

“I do not like broccoli. And I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I’m President of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli.”  –George Bush

The same year President Bush made this statement, Johns Hopkins University published a cancer study showing that broccoli prevented the development of tumors by 60 percent and helped reduce the size of the tumor by 75 percent!

These finding are just a “taste” of the many health benefits of broccoli. Discover these, the trivia and history behind this plant and some awesome recipes. Broccoli is a powerfood. Unless you are in a select group of individuals, (page 3) broccoli is your friend!

9 Health Benefits

1. Cancer Prevention

Broccoli contains glucoraphanin, which the body processes into the anti-cancer compound sulforaphane. This compound rids the body of H. pylori, a bacterium found to highly increase the risk of gastric cancer. Furthermore, broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen found to not only hinder the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer, but also boosts liver function.

Broccoli shares these cancer fighting, immune boosting properties with other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

2. Cholesterol Reduction

Like many whole foods, broccoli is packed with soluble fiber that draws cholesterol out of your body.

3. Reducing Allergy Reaction and Inflammation

Broccoli is a particularly rich source of kaempferol and isothiocyanates, both anti-inflammatory phyto nutrients. Research has shown the ability of kaempferol to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances on our body. Broccoli even has significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which are well know as an anti-inflammatory.

4. Powerful Antioxidant

Of all the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands out as the most concentrated source of vitamin C, plus the flavonoids necessary for vitamin C to recycle effectively. Also concentrated in broccoli are the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, other powerful antioxidants.

5. Bone Health

Broccoli contains high levels of both calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.

6. Heart Health

The anti-inflammatory properties of sulforaphane, one of the isothiocyanates (ITCs) in broccoli, may be able to prevent (or even reverse) some of the damage to blood vessel linings that can be caused by inflammation due to chronic blood sugar problems.

7. Detoxification

Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin and glucobrassicin are special phytonutrients that support all steps in the body’s detox process, including activation, neutralization and elimination of unwanted contaminants. These three are in the perfect combination in broccoli.  Broccoli also contains isothiocyanates (which you read about in inflammation) which help control the detox process at a genetic level.

8. Diet Aid

Broccoli is a smart carb and is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Furthermore, a cup of broccoli has as much protein as a cup of rice or corn with half the calories.

9. Alkalizes Your Body

Like many vegetables, broccoli helps keep your whole body less acidic, which has a host of health benefits. Read the dangers of an over acid body at: Balance Your Body.


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Jump Rope Workout Exercise to get you in shape

Jump Rope Workout – A 10 minute a day full body workout – click here to check out this video

Celebrity trainer Tanja Djelevic ( shows host Judy Greer a simple full body workout using only a jump rope.

When was the last time you jumped rope – fourth, fifth or maybe sixth grade? Well, jump roping is one of the most efficient ways to burn calories and keep the weight off. How many calories do you burn jumping rope? Try nearly fifteen to twenty calories every minute! That is an efficient way to burn energy and keep pounds from packing on, and, jump roping is fun, affordable and can be done with a work-out buddy.

Dr. Peter Shulman, MD, professor and medical expert from the University of Connecticut Health Center, reports that jumping rope is one of the best ways to improve your heart health. Not only does the exercise burn calories needed to lose weight, but elevates your heart rate to a level that most cardio machines are not capable of doing. Dr. Shulman reports that jump roping strengthens the core, upper body and legs while burning a lot of calories in a compact amount of time.

Some doctors argue the benefits of jump roping in those who are extremely overweight because of the direct stress put on the knees, ankles, legs and hips. However, physical training experts report that even obese individuals may benefit from the intense work-out if done properly and at a low impact level. Some of the basic requirements for jump roping are as follows:

  • Obtain a beaded rope that holds its shape and is easy to control
  • Shorten or lengthen the rope so that the handles comfortably reach the armpits
  • Wear comfortable athletic shoes that are approximately a half-size larger that normally worn to allow room for the toes and feet during impact
  • Choose comfortable grips that provide good handling and precision when turning
  • Secure an open space for jumping rope that is at least 4×6 with approximately one foot clearance overhead

These helpful tips will keep you from injuring yourself or those around you and get you off to the right start when implementing this exercise into your routine.

For novices who are just getting started, don’t focus too much on how many calories you burn jumping rope, but determine a particular time that you want to achieve. Start out with a low-impact jump for one to two minute intervals. If you are able to increase the duration of time spent jumping, then up the amount by thirty second intervals.

Jumping rope should be fun and invigorating, not painful and discouraging. If you are unable to go more than a few jumps at a time or find yourself getting tangled up in the ropes, don’t get discouraged but keep practicing. With jump roping, practice does make perfect and before you know it you will be jumping rope as light-footed as a heavy-weight prize fighter in training.

If you are in doubt of your physical ability to jump rope, or haven’t done so for thirty or forty years, it is important to check with your family doctor to get the go-ahead. Remember to warm-up and cool down both before and after your work-out to prevent injury and as with any exercise, stretching is one of the most important elements to working out. Stretching will also loosen your muscles and help you determine the impact each jump has on your body.

Jump roping can be very beneficial to your body and heart, while providing fun for the entire family. If you have children, incorporate them into the mix and jump rope together. Your children and your heart will thank you.

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From Healing Cuisine: Reworked: The Green Green Smoothie

Healing Cuisine: Reworked: The Green Green Smoothie.

Green Green Smoothie II
Makes 2 Servings

1 1/4 cups cold filtered water
2 handfuls organic spinach
1 organic cucumber, chopped
3 stalks organic celery, chopped
2 organic Granny Smith apples, cored and chopped
Small handful fresh cilantro
Small handful fresh parsley
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp cayenne powder (optional)
20-30 drops pure stevia liquid (optional)
2 Tbsp flax seed oil (optional)
2 tsp probiotic powder (optional)
2 scoops plain or vanilla protein powder (optional) (I use Natural flavor Vega O.N.E)

Add spinach, cucumber, celery, apple, cilantro and parsley to blender.  Pour water over top.  Starting the blender on Low speed, blend until smooth, gradually moving to High speed (that’s the trick for getting a smooth blend).  Add lime juice, cayenne, stevia, flax oil, probiotic powder, and protein powder.  Combine briefly on Low until all the protein powder is just dissolved.  Serve immediately.

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Flaxseed Health Benefits, Food Sources, Recipes, and Tips for Using It ~ Reblogged from WebMD

The Benefits of Flaxseed

Is flaxseed the new wonder food? Preliminary studies show that flaxseed may help fight everything from heart disease and diabetes to breast cancer.

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This Will Make You Change Your Mind About Not Buying Organic Every Time – Reblogged

Read more via ~
This Will Make You Change Your Mind About
Not Buying Organic Every Time.

The Bottom Line

While many feel the recent meta-analysis fuels the ongoing debate about organic foods, the fact is that organics have far more benefits than the strictly nutritional. Nutrition is extremely important, and organic foods are packed with the vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes you need for good health.

Of extreme importance, organic foods respect the environment, have fewer toxicity-related health risks, and support local economies. I for one, firmly stand behind the decision to choose organic. I believe you vote with your purchases, and when you choose organic you choose to support a healthy, clean earth, and put healthy, clean produce into you and your family’s bodies.

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Make a Date With Fitness ~ Reblog from Refine Fitness Studio

Refine Fitness Studio

One of my favourite things this time of year is getting back to my regular routine. Up with the kids at 6: 30 a.m., out the door by 7: 45 and at my studio or teaching in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Windsor by 8: 30 a.m.

My clients are just like me. Many wander from their regular routines over the summer and are now getting back on track.

A great way to adopt an exercise routine is to book three or four regular appointments for yourself. Exercise is like many other things: If you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen. Having a regular time to exercise also helps you mentally get into the routine while scheduling other things around the workout.

Most busy adults I know need to take a step further and schedule this appointment with a trainer or group exercise instructor who will keep…

View original post 193 more words

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12 ways to Increase Seritonin

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ENIVA’s CEO Andy Baechler Says It Like It Is!

Eniva… Smart Products for a Better Life, Vibrant living is not more drugs it is healthy supplement solutions


Click here for more information

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Cynthia’s Health Hut On Facebook

If you haven’t already check out Cynthia’s Health Hut on Facebook

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The 3 Day Suero Cleanse

Detoxification is so important to your body for loosing weight and fighting off disease. Jordan Rubin shares the benefits of the 3 Day Suero Cleanse, utilizing SueroViv, a probiotic rich, GreenFed cultured whey beverage. Take the 3 day tune-up challenge, help your body to help you to be healthy! Check out this video explaining why cleansing is great for your body, mind and health!

How to do a Suero Cleanse:

You can have Suero Beverages delivered to your door click here:

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Raving Raspberry Smoothie – No Added Sugar! From Maximized Living Blog

Raving Raspberry Smoothie – No Added Sugar! Maximized Living Maximized Living Blog.

It’s the time of year when most people need cooling down. We have a refreshing and delicious smoothie that will do just the trick:


1-2 scoops Vanilla Perfect Whey Protein Powder (Purchase here)

3-4 tablespoons Organic Yogurt

½-1 cup Berries

½ teaspoon Stevia or Xylitol (To taste-most do not need any additional sweetening if using perfect protein)

Add water to desired thickness

Ice cubes

*Suggestion – for a twist on flavor you can use Chocolate Perfect Protein for a Chocolate Raspberry smoothie!


Add all ingredients except for water in blender, add a small amount of water and a few ice cubes, blend in blender adding more water and ice until you achieve the desired consistency.

Garnish with fresh raspberries or blueberries

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Salty Green Shake with Pine Nuts Recipe – Yummy, Healthy Drink!

Facebook via Medical Imaging.


Salty Green Shake with Pine Nuts
– Baby Spinach
– Kale
– Cucumber
– Half of lime without skin
– Celery
– Avocado
– Small piece of ginger
– Sea Salt
– Alkaline Water
– Pine Nuts
We use VitaMix blender for best result

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The New Science Behind America’s Deadliest Diseases – Yahoo! Finance [ReBlogged]

The New Science Behind America’s Deadliest Diseases – Yahoo! Finance.

What do heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke and cancer have in common? Scientists have linked each of these to a condition known as chronic inflammation, and they are studying how high-fat foods and excess body weight may increase the risk for fatal disorders.

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury and outside irritants. But when the irritants don’t let up, because of a diet of high-fat foods, too much body fat and smoking, for example, the immune system can spiral out of control and increase the risk for disease. Experts say when inflammation becomes chronic it can damage heart valves and brain cells, trigger strokes, and promote resistance to insulin, which leads to diabetes. It also is associated with the development of cancer.

Much of the research on chronic inflammation has focused on fighting it with drugs, such as cholesterol-lowering statins for heart disease. A growing body of research is revealing how abdominal fat and an unhealthy diet can lead to inflammation. Some scientists are investigating how certain components in foods might help. Dietary fiber from whole grains, for instance, may play a protective role against inflammation, a recent study found. And dairy foods may help ease inflammation in patients with a combination of risk factors.The Wall Street Journal

Chronic inflammation is perhaps best understood in its relation to cardiovascular disease. The immune system’s white blood cells rush to the arteries when the blood vessels are besieged by low density lipoprotein, or LDL—the “bad” cholesterol. The cells embed themselves in the artery wall and gobble up the invading cholesterol, causing damage to the arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke.

“You need to have inflammation when you have a wound and the immune system goes in to heal it. Yet we don’t want too much inflammation in our system causing damage to our arteries” and other harm, says Wendy Weber, a program director at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health.

One significant discovery concerns obesity and the ways it promotes inflammation. Fat cells, particularly those in the visceral fat that settles in the belly and around organs, were long thought merely to store excess weight. Instead, fat cells act like small factories to churn out molecules known as cytokines, which set inflammation in motion, says Peter Libby, chief of the division of cardiovascular medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a professor at Harvard Medical School.

“We’ve learned that abdominal fat tissue is a hotbed of inflammation that pours out all kinds of inflammatory molecules,” Dr. Libby says. The most important step patients can take is to lose excess weight, which can reduce inflammation in a matter of weeks or months, he says.

A substance known as C-reactive protein, measured with a simple blood test, is an indicator of inflammation in the body. A report published in Archives of Internal Medicine in 2007, which analyzed results of 33 separate studies, found that losing weight can lower C-reactive protein levels. For each one kilogram, or 2.2 pounds, of weight loss, whether by dieting, exercise or surgery, the mean reduction in C-reactive protein among participants was 0.13 milligram per liter.

According to the American Heart Association, a C-reactive protein level of less than 1 mg/L indicates a low risk of cardiovascular disease, 1 to 3 mg/L indicates moderate risk, and greater than 3 mg/L equals high risk. Doctors increasingly are ordering the test for patients at moderate risk for heart disease.

At a meeting in Quebec City last week on abdominal obesity and its health risks, experts in cardiology, endocrinology, nutrition and related specialties presented a wide range of new research linking obesity to inflammation-related diseases.

A number of nutritionists and physicians have developed anti-inflammatory diets. Christopher Cannon, a Harvard professor of medicine, co-wrote “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Anti-Inflammation Diet.” Dr. Cannon says his recommended diet is based on both the Mediterranean diet and a Healthy Eating Pyramid developed at Harvard University. This encourages consuming whole-grain foods, unsaturated fats such as plant oils, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, poultry, eggs and moderate amounts of dairy foods. It also suggests avoiding as much as possible red meat, butter, sweets and white foods such as rice, potatoes and pasta.

Still, there is little evidence to support any specific diet to protect against inflammation, says Dr. Cannon. “If you weigh 300 pounds and eat healthy, the weight will still counter any beneficial foods you are eating,” Dr. Cannon says.

The American Heart Association recommends consuming both omega-3 fatty acids, found in cold-water fish like salmon and canola oil, and omega-6 fatty acids, found in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils such as corn oil. But investigators are still studying the roles each may play in promoting or controlling inflammation.

In one study, researchers at Vanderbilt University are focusing on whether omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of colorectal cancers and diminish the production of inflammatory molecules. Principal investigator Harvey Murff says many Americans consume far more omega-6 fatty acids, and one aim is to determine a healthy balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Greater dietary fiber consumption was associated with lower levels of C-reactive protein and other markers in the blood that signal inflammation, according to a new study involving nearly 600 adolescents published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Norman Pollock, a researcher at Georgia Health Sciences University and a co-author of the study, says one explanation may be that fiber is associated with higher levels of a protein hormone that improves insulin sensitivity, which in turn lowers levels of inflammation.

A combination of nutrients found in dairy food may also help ease inflammation in patients at risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes. In a 40-patient study published last year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, patients who were given 3½ servings of dairy daily over 12 weeks showed reductions in several markers of inflammation compared with a group given just half a serving of dairy per day. The first group also showed reduced blood pressure. Michael Zemel, a co-author of the study and professor emeritus at the University of Tennessee’s Department of Nutrition, says three daily servings of dairy containing whey and its nutrients could help guard against inflammation. He recommends low-fat milk or yogurt.

New research funded by the National Institutes of Health is looking at the relationship of diet, inflammation and cancer.

“Cancer is caused by many different processes and inflammation is one of them, and if you could inhibit that process it would be tremendously helpful,” says Young S. Kim, program director in the Nutritional Science Research Group at the National Cancer Institute.