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It’s flu season again. Rather than getting caught up in mass hysteria, arm yourself against viral attack with practical ways to boost your immune system.


eat-a-rainbow-imageEat a rainbow of foods. When your immune system detects an enemy, it must rapidly draw vitamins and minerals from the blood to make white blood cell ninja fighters. If those vitamins aren’t there, you are vulnerable to a long, drawn-out battle. Make sure you are eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. If your are doing this, you can be sure you are getting tons of immune boosting nutrients like vitamin A, E, C, B-6 and zinc. A healthy immune system is your best defense against infection.

You’re gonna need a breath mint – Garlic is a fantastic way to boost the immune system. It is a super anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and antibiotic food. Plus it makes food taste and smell delicious.

Getting enough sleep is crucial in optimizing immune response. So is decreasing stress. There it is again. Just get more sleep and don’t sweat the small stuff. Look for an upcoming blog on decreasing stress and increasing joy. 

Getting adequate exercise has also been linked to lower incidence of infection. Just 20 minutes a day of brisk exercise can make a huge difference.

Avoid refined grains, sugary and starchy foods. Sugar suppresses the immune system. It seems that flu season, besides falling in the winter months, also occurs in the months when many of us are indulging in sweet treats a little more often.

Adequate levels of Vitamin D are essential to an immune system’s ability to quickly and effectively fight off infection. It’s also important for preventing osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, depression, and dementia. Harvard Medical School asserts that as many as one third of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is produced in our bodies using sunlight that comes in contact with our largest organ: our skin.  We can also get vitamin D through diet. Salmon is a good source, most milk is fortified with vitamin D and a good vitamin D3 supplement is great too (5,000 IU per day for adults). My favorite dietary source with a slew of other healthy benefits is fermented cod liver oil. The flu usually runs rampant in the winter months when direct sunlight is diminished in many areas of the world and people are bundled up and keeping indoors. This is why flu cases go down the farther south you track and disappear in summer months.  Increasing your sun exposure (sans sunscreen) by 10 minutes a day is adequate for most people. If you live north of San Francisco, don’t bother doing this between November and March since the UV rays aren’t direct enough to make vitamin D. I would suggest a blood test to discover if you are deficient and supplementing through diet.

Getting Over the Flu Fast

So what if you get the flu? Well first you should make sure it is in fact influenza. Here’s Dr. Darla’s blog on how to correctly identify the symptoms of influenza. So if you have the flu, how can you get recover as quickly and as painless as possible?

Cut the sweets. Eating sugar will suppress your immune system from fighting off nasty bugs. I know it’s comforting to eat, but sweets will only make it worse.

I’m going to suggest vitamin D again. Taking several thousand IU per day of a good D3 supplement can shorten the duration of infection. It’s pretty hard to overdose on D, and when I’m sick I take a medicinal dose of about 20,000 IU per day. Also, vitamin C in large amounts can greatly speed up your recovery. It’s pretty much impossible to overdose on C, so take at least 5,000 mg per day or more. Zinc prevents a virus from replicating.

When I feel the “ick”, I like to take a detox bath. It really lessens my symptoms and shortens the duration of my illness. Here’s a link to the recipe. Detox Bath 

If you are pregnant, make sure to consult your physician before taking a detox bath.

Get lots of sleep. Your workplace will get the job done without you. They don’t need you spreading around the flu either. Stay home and sleep, sleep, sleep.

Cinnamon is anti-viral and anti-bacterial too. Mix 1 tablespoon cinnamon with one teaspoon of honey and mix it into an herbal tea.

Since the flu is usually accompanied by fever, it will often lead to dehydration. Make sure you stay hydrated with lots of broth or chicken soup. Broth isn’t just comforting flu food, it has lots of immune boosting nutrients. Herbal teas and hot lemon water help too. Nettle leaf tea has a huge amount of vitamins and minerals and detoxifies the body. Other herbs that help fight flu are elderberry, yarrow, ginger, chamomile, and peppermint. Consult your local herbalist for the correct ways to use these herbs. Fever is the body’s natural defense for killing a virus, so using drugs to stop a fever can actually prolong an illness. To keep a fever out of the dangerous zone, without killing it completely, I use peppermint essential oil on the bottom of my feet. Make sure you do plenty of research into the safe use of essential oils before trying this one.

Whatever natural remedy or prevention method you choose, make sure it will not interfere with any medications you are taking and try them one at a time. Stay healthy and disease free this season. And most importantly, your thoughts are more effective than any vaccine or remedy. If you think you’re immune to the flu with absolute, fearless certainty, I’m willing to bet it’ll pass you by.

Important Notes: I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be a doctor. I cannot treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any illness. If you have concerns about any illness, talk to your doctor. Do you own research on natural remedies to ensure that you think they are safe. 

 Merianne1Merianne Drew is a holistic health coach specializing in integrative and energetic nutrition. She coaches individuals to better health by teaching practical ways to incorporate healthy eating and lifestyle choices. Find out if health coaching is a good fit for you by scheduling a health strategy session.

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Anti-Aging Foods For Women via Maximized Living

Anti-Aging Foods For Women

Assorted berries

Image courtesy of iStockphoto / Thinkstock

Today, people are searching for ways to keep themselves feeling and looking younger. In addition to keeping an active lifestyle, eating well can decrease risk of heart disease–the no. 1 killer of women in America—as well as other health issues.

Eating a fresh whole-food diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will keep women of all ages feeling and looking their best.

Here’s a brief list of foods that have been shown to fight the effects of aging in women:


Blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries and gooseberries are all foods that are rich in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, one of the greatest anti-aging assets found in organic foods.1

Berries protect against the deterioration of cognitive and motor functions, reduce oxidative stress, lower inflammation and improve brain cell signaling, according to Dr. Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Ph.D.

They’re also a great source of vitamins and can even ensure proper blood flow. Besides flavonoids, berries also are loaded with other nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium and folate (vitamin B9).

There’s a large amount of fiber in a daily serving of berries, which also offer digestive benefits. Consuming berries on a consistent basis provides the body with minerals and salts that destroy free radicals, which helps protect women against aging. Shukitt-Hale suggests 1 cup of berries per day to prevent memory loss, lower disease risks and curb weight gain.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil provides the clean, healthy fats the body needs to maintain healthy skin and hair throughout life. In general, “good” fats—monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil’s case—are lacking in the diets of most North Americans. Extra virgin olive oil represents your best choice because it is minimally handled and processed, and it tastes delicious.

When cooking with olive oil, never heat the oil so much that it begins to smoke. Use low to medium heat only, and monitor the oil. Once it starts to smoke, olive oil actually turns rancid.


In order to keep skin supple, women are encouraged to eat about 12 ounces per week of wild salmon, as suggested by the American Heart Association.

Salmon also contains omega-3 fatty acids, is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin D, reduces inflammation and slows the progression of chronic disease. Salmon is known to reduce blood pressure, a common health issue for women over 50.2

Dark, Leafy Greens

Kale, spinach, collard greens, romaine lettuce and Swiss chard are dark green vegetables that are full of vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The vitamin B in greens guards the heart and memory. Vitamin A supports skin cell turnover, and the lutein found in many forms of green vegetables protects vision.

According to Martha Clare Morris ScD, director of the Center of Nutrition & Aging at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, those who eat three to four servings of greens a day will experience less of a decline in memory, recall and other mental functions. Morris and her team have tested 37,000 people.

The antioxidants in greens prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene–commonly found in green vegetables–help block UV rays that cause skin to age rapidly. The nutrients in greens help fight against cardiovascular disease, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and may even prevent certain types of cancer.


Garlic is equally as delicious as it is good for you. Garlic is part of a class of vegetables known alliums, which help support your liver’s natural ability to neutralize and remove toxins and carcinogens. To prevent cell degeneration, garlic keeps blood thin and also prevents heart disease.3

Like many of the other foods on the list, garlic is rich in antioxidants. It can help limit the growth of abnormal cells and increases blood flow that goes to the brain for awareness.

According to Dr. Ian Smith M.D., garlic also helps fight acne, prevent dandruff and kill bacteria.

What You Can Do

Eating healthy is not about depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about fulfilling your body’s needs for vital nutrients. With the right dietary information, you can keep your body looking and feeling fantastic for life.

To get the nutrition news your body needs, contact your nearest Maximized Living doctor, or subscribe to our newsletter, which features all the latest health news.


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Hidden #Food #Intolerances: How they can sabbotage weight loss | The #NaturalCures.Com Blog

Hidden food intolerances: How they can sabbotage weight loss | The NaturalCures.Com Blog check it out.

This is just one of the great articles that can be found at

The NaturalCures writing team is working extremely hard to bring you a special food issue of our monthly printed newsletter – due out in April. Focusing on the foods you should be avoiding, as well as the deliciously healthy grocery items you should be adding to your diet, the upcoming issue is a must-read! So what better time to bring you an extract from nutritionist Dave Reavely’s book The Big Fat Mystery. With kind permission from John Blake Publishing, we’re bringing you this snippet on how hidden food intolerances may be sabotaging your efforts to lose weight. Read on…


Gluten intolerance

People who are allergic to gluten are referred to as coeliac and suffer from celiac disease. However, as I explained in earlier, an allergy is very different to intolerance. Someone who suffers from celiac disease will react very quickly to a small amount of gluten. Conversely, someone who has  intolerance to gluten may not even notice any problems until hours or even a day later. In fact, over the years I soon learned that there are many different shades of gluten intolerance. For instance, some sufferers may be able to eat bread and/or pasta for, let’s say two days; but by day three it begins to adversely affect them. Unfortunately, most G.P.’s are not aware of this situation since they have only been trained to focus upon gluten allergy.

How a gluten sensitivity can affect you

Once an individual becomes sensitive to gluten the body regards it as a toxin. As already stated, if you are allergic to gluten the body reacts to the toxin more quickly compared to a gluten intolerance. However, in both cases I believe that gluten causes damage to the digestive system. This damage includes inflammation and irritation, particularly to the lining of the small intestine. Since many nutrients are absorbed through the small intestine, it’s easy to see why a gluten allergy or intolerance can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Moreover, my experience in dealing with many gluten sensitive people over the years has led me to conclude that an inability to lose excess weight is often related to the adverse affect that gluten can have on the body’s metabolism.

In the beginning, I used to think that the effects of gluten were confined to the digestive system. This proved to be very far from the truth. In fact, over the years, I soon realised that the effects of a gluten sensitivity can manifest themselves in any part of the body, including the following:

* Skin problems

* Arthritis

* Menstrual problems

* Weight gain

* Depression

* Poor attention span

* Headaches

* Migraines

* Fatigue

* Drowsiness

* Mouth ulcers

* Constipation

* IBS – irritable bowel syndrome

* Flatulence and bloating

* Indigestion

* Acid reflux

* Stomach pain

* Recurrent infections

* Mucus congestion, including sinus problems

Incredibly, this list is far from being exhaustive and I am continuously encountering new health conditions that respond to a diet free of gluten.

Avoiding gluten

As I explained in the previous chapter, gluten is a type of protein which is found in wheat, barley, rye and oats. So you must avoid these foods and any products made from them. The following is a list of foods that contain gluten:


* Bread

* Rye bread and pumpernickel

* Spelt

* Barley

* Oats

* Alcoholic beverages – beers and some spirits such as grain-based vodka

* Biscuits and cookies

* Pretzels

* Muffins

* Pastry

* Scones

* Cous cous

* Durhum wheat

* Pasta, macaroni, spaghetti

* Noodles

* Pizza

* Foods covered in breadcrumbs – e.g. chicken nuggets, fish fingers

* Bulgar wheat

* Wheat, oat or rye crispbreads

* Yorkshire puddings

* Pancakes

* Semolina

* Stuffings

* Rusk

* Wheat based breakfast cereals, or cereals that include wheat

* Malt or malt extract

* Soy sauce

* Modified wheat starch

* Wheatgerm

* Malt vinegar

Foods that may contain hidden gluten

 * Liquorice

* Confectionary – some chocolate, candy, etc

* Stock-cubes

* Curry powder

* Sauces/mixes

* Gravy powder

* Chips/fries – some may have a wheat coating

* Sausages

* Soups – some include the likes of  wheat flour as a thickener

* Crisps – some include wheat or modified wheat starch

* Mustard  powder

The good news!

Having looked at the foregoing list you could be forgiven for asking the question: “What on earth can I eat?” Well, the good news is that there are gluten-free alternatives for many of the items listed. For example, you can purchase gluten-free gravy mix, stock-cubes, gluten-free sausages, pasta, biscuits, cereals and flour. The other day I even came across some gluten-free beer in a major supermarket. The range of products is constantly growing, which is good for the gluten-sensitive consumer.

For those who wish to bake their own gluten-free products there are a number of flour substitutes now available. The all-purpose type is usually made from a combination of potato, rice, maize and buckwheat flours. Some manufacturers offer a choice between brown or white gluten-free flour. The brown version is nutritionally superior because it contains fibre, as well as more vitamins and minerals.

Types of individual flour


 * Rice  flour has quite a bland taste but it is an all-purpose flour that can be used to make bread or other bakery products. It can also be used as a thickener.

* Chickpea flour is sometimes referred to as gram flour. It is commonly used in Asian      cookery, for example to make poppadoms.

* Potato flour has fine texture. It can help to introduce moisture to the likes of bread.

* Cornflour is sometimes mixed with other flours to provide a smooth texture

* Soy flour has a strong taste, but can be used sparingly when mixed with other flours. Like potato flour it adds moisture to baked goods.

* Amaranth is made from a grain of the same name and is often added to other flours

* Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a South-American grain that can be used to make      baked products.

* Buckwheat flour, despite the name, is not related to wheat. It is sometimes used to      make pancakes, which are popular in the USA.

Gluten-free foods

In addition to the gluten-free products already listed, there are also many other foods that are naturally free from gluten. These include: meat, fish, dairy products, nuts and seeds (providing they’re not processed), pulses (such as beans, peas and lentils), eggs and fruits and vegetables.

Label watch

Because gluten is added to so many products it is really important to get into the habit of reading the list of ingredients on cans and packets. Look out for any of the ingredients in the foregoing lists; for example, modified wheat starch, or malt extract. Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to knowing which products to avoid! Many products have allergy advice on their labels and state clearly whether they’re gluten-free.


In my view, in order to succeed on a gluten-free diet, it’s very important to adopt the correct mental approach. The person who dwells on the foods that they can’t have, are the ones who inevitably falter and fall by the wayside. Conversely, those people who focus upon the wide range of foods that they can have, will usually stick to their new lifestyle and ultimately reap the rewards of improved health and often much improved weight regulation.

A big thank you to Dave and his publishers for kindly supplying this piece for the blog – keep your eyes peeled for more of the same.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for our upcoming newsletter, which will be available to download (members only) during April by clicking here. Would you like to receive the letter? Become a member of the site for as little as $9.95 and enjoy the many perks membership brings.

Remember to always consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before embarking on any treatment, it’s your health and it’s IMPORTANT.

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Dave Reavely (5 Posts)

Referred to as the ‘Food Detective’, Dave Reavely acquired this title because of his involvement in helping to detect clients’ food intolerances in addition to an ability to isolate how an individual’s diet and lifestyle may be contributing towards their health condition. A former PE Teacher, Dave has always been aware of the importance of exercise and nutrition having overcome a number of health problems from his early youth. When it came to food sensitivities, he had to learn the hard way, as he was intolerant to many foods from his early teens. Dave has worked as a Nutritonal Advisor from the year 2000, but gained his diploma in nutritional medicine with the well recognised Plaskett Nutritional Medicine College (now merged with Thames Valley University) in 2006. Dave is also the Nutritional Advisor to Jamie Johnson, one of the UK’s first female professional boxers, world title contender in the USA and recently inducted into The Madison Square Gardens Hall Of Fame. Her talent was spotted by Joe Frasier, and she sparred with Joe’s daughter, Jacqui, and also Mohammed Ali’s daughter, Leila Ali, both boxing title holders in the USA. Jamie maintains that good nutrition has played a huge part of her success. Dave is the author of the following books: The Natural Athlete – 2003 The Cool Kids Guide to Healthy Eating – 2006 The Big Fat Mystery – How food intolerances can sabotage your efforts to lose weight – Metro books, 2008 Healthy Eating and Pollution protection for Kids – A Parent’s Guide – O Books, 2011 Dave is listed as a nutritional expert by BBC Radio Kent and BBC South-east TV Freelance writer for Running Fitness Magazine



Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antioxidant, Cancer Treatment, Cell Oxygen, Detoxification, Diabetes, Family Health, Fibromyalgia/Chornic Fatigue, Food, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Gluten Free, Grass-fed, Green Beverages, Health, Healthy Foods, High Blood Pressure, Joints, Miracle Food, Natural Disease Treatments, Natural Treatments, Organic Foods, Positive Attitude, Recipe, Self-Help, SuperFood, Vitamin-Supplements, Weight Loss

Juice Your Belly Fat Away via Fitlife.TV

Juice Your Belly Fat Away | Fitlife.TV.


Added by  on 2013-02-05

When my clients first come to me they want to transform their lives in many ways. They want to transform their mindset, their health and their overall outlook on life. One of the first things I suggest is going on theAlpha Reset. The Alpha Reset is a program that helps cleanse and detox your body. Once you go through the Alpha Reset, you start reprogramming the way you think about food and what you eat. Transformations

Most people think if they eat grains and brown rice then they are on the road to weight loss. Well, that’s not entirely true. You need to eat foods high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to get rid of that belly fat.

In this post I am going to share with you some of the best foods to eat to decrease your belly fat. Also before you do anything consider going on a juice program like the Alpha Reset. Get those toxins out of your body and reset your health.

Belly fat is dangerous and it takes more than just exercising to reduce that fat around your belly. You need to eat food high in nutrients.

1. Apples

Apples contain pectin, a water soluble fiber and are packed with antioxidants. Juicing apples or eating them raw can decrease the amount of visceral fat (fat around your stomach and organs). The fiber from the apple also keeps you feeling full.

Belly Flattening Juice

For more juice recipes with apples, click here <—

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are packed with vitamins C, A and B and also essential vitamins and minerals. Most people don’t want to eat tomatoes because they think that since it’s a fruit that it’s loaded with sugar. Tomatoes score a 15 on the glycemic index so it won’t spike your blood sugar. Cooking tomatoes is actually really beneficial. When tomatoes are heated they actually have a lycopene content and helps with absorption of nutrients.

For more tomatoes juice recipes, click here <—

3. Celery

Celery is great. It’s also a great base to any juice recipe.  It has anti-cancer properties, aides in digestion, acts as a diuretic, and is anti-inflammatory. Celery is rich in sodium and potassium, which is a great after workout drink. Celery contains coumarins, which have anticancer properties. Coumarin also help lower blood pressure and also help with migraines.

Check out the benefits of celery <—-

Start your own juicing journey today. Leave the bad habits, negative thoughts, and low energy behind. It’s easier to prevent disease then to cure it. 



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What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? reblogged from

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? |

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables?

What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? thumbnail

Fresh fruit is healthy.

Everyone loves the taste of fresh garden vegetables and sweet orchard fruit. They can be enjoyed as a salad or by themselves. Because these delicious snacks are also very healthy, you should try to eat them with every meal.

  1. Disease Prevention

    • Apples, oranges, and bananas will put a smile on your face.

      Fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that help prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.


    • Fruits and vegetables are helpful in keeping a trim waistline.

      Cancer Research UK reports that eating a fresh apple or fresh orange each day cuts a person’s risk of cancer by up to 20 percent. For overall health, they recommend eating five servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

    Weight Control

    • Because they are naturally low in calories, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to maintain a healthy weight. The Centers for Disease Control recommends substituting higher calories foods such as eggs for fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits rather than cakes for dessert.


    • Fresh fruits and vegetables travel well and are easy to pack in a lunch box for a quick on-the-go snack or to starve off mid-afternoon hunger pangs.


    • Fresh fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber. This helps to regulate the digestive system and cleanse the arteries from unwanted plaque buildup.


    • Eating raw vegetables such as carrot or celery sticks or crunchy fruits such as apples helps to rid the teeth of excess plaque and exercises the gums. This leads to better dental health and prevention of gum disease.


       Thank you for visiting Cynthia’s Health Hut!

Read more: What Are the Benefits of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables? |

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Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Foods that Protect against Cancer Reblogged~Seattle Organic Restaurants

Top 10 Anti-inflammatory Foods that Protect against Cancer.

In this section of Seattle Organic Restaurants they talk about top 10 anti-inflammatory foods that prevent cancer.  Among many other chronic diseases millions of people suffer from inflammation and digestive disorders. The main roots of digestive disorders are poor eating hobbitsconsuming toxic foodsprocessed foods and foods that have artificial coloring and additives. Here are top 10 foods that help to improve inflammation and food digestion.

food digestion

We sometimes eat junk food for a snack; so why not eating fruits instead of processed foods? Pineapplemangoand papaya are the three main anti-inflammatory fruits that have proteolytic enzymes that have anti-ulcerative and anti-microbial properties. These fruits help with digestion and breaking down other foods.

Avocado is a rich superfood high in omega 3 fatty acids (which is good for you) and fiber. Avocados promote food digestion and healthy pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Avocados are one of the best anti-inflammatory fruits that are digestible by almost everyone.


Cinnamon, basil, cayenne and turmeric are among anti-inflammatory herbsCinnamonimproves triglyceride and cholesterol level and helps with better digestion of food. Basil also boosts immune system and is anti-inflammatory.Cayenne is a remarkable anti-inflammatory herbthat helps to prevent digestive disorders, cleans bodypromote weight loss and fight allergies.Turmeric is a Middle Eastern spice that is commonly used in Persian, Asian and Indian dishes. Turmeric anti-inflammatory effects are even better than dugs like as Motrin and hydrocortisone without having their side effects.

The complex carbohydrate in kelp and kombu is anti-inflammatory. Kelp and kambu are antioxidant, prevent tumors and high source of fiber and vitamin K that promote weight loss.

Here in Northwest wild sockeye salmon is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids that is anti-inflammatoryWild sockeye salmon can also prevent heart disease and cancer. Fish oil is also a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids that promotes brain function, intellegance and eyesight.

green tea

The flavonoids in green tea are anti-inflammatory that can prevent the chances of cancer and heart disease.

Shiitake mushroom is an excellent anti-inflammatory that promotes immune system and fight cancer.


Blueberries are incredible source of antioxidantsthat are anti-inflammatory. Blueberries improve immune system and prevent dementia and cancer.Raspberries, cranberries, blackberries andstrawberries also are high source of antioxidants.

Broccoli is a highly nutritious superfood that is anti-inflammatory can prevent breast cancer in women. The phytochemicals in broccoli called “sulforaphane” activates enzymes and throws carcinogen out of cells before cancer can do any harm. Kale is also anti-inflammatory that can clean body and prevent heart disease. Kale is also full of ironcalcium and fiber. Cauliflower also helps with detoxification of body.

In the last few years fermented foods have been disappearing from our diets. Fermented foods are probiotics and have beneficial bacteria that help with food digestion. For example modern pickles are no longer made by lacto-fermentation using salt and are made by vinegar. Most dairy products like cheese and yogurt and alcoholic beverages like wine and beer are being pasteurized by killing most of the good bacteria in them. Since most juices and beverages are pasteurized there are less live enzymes and beneficial bacteria in them to help digest our foods.  Some of fermented foods include yogurt, organic raw apple cider vinegar, kimchi, kefir, kombucha and other fermented veggies.